What do you mean?

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Are you "Mature People?" Let's see!

1. Always want to have truthful discussion.

2. Always grateful.

3. Listen more than talk.

4. Live in the present.

5. Comfortably be themselves.

6. Have compassion to others.

7. Understand that everyone is unique.

8. Let go when necessary.

I think, I get it all! But.. say this, sometimes "mature" nothing on my self.

If you're looking mature at the only casing, like your age, face and physically.There is no guarantee you are mature person.
If you're looking mature in your soul,like beautiful minds,heart,attitude, behavior, talking and doing.That's a really great mature people.However,until old or not young again, the mature on your self will be forever.
It's simply right? But not all people can understanding.

At the otherwise,when you find the characteristic of people with the "Immature" you can read this.

1. Always want to win an argument.

2. Always complain.

3. Talk more than listen.

4. Live in the past or future.

5. Busy pleasing others.

6. Cannot forgive others.

7. Expect everyone should be the same.

8. Hold tight all the time.

Source : Trivia.id
edited & added by me :)

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