Chapter III: I'll Show Her

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Lauren's POV

"Ahh, Brooklyn. My beautiful home," Ally smiled during our walk through the park on a sunny March day. The McGolrick Park specifically. Three days into tour and I needed to see my best friend again. At least while I was still in the Tri-State Area.

"Thought you hated this place and begged your aunt to move to Miami," I replied as we linked arms on the stroll. I was even surprised she wanted to go back to the New York state in general after what she went through.

"I didn't exactly beg, but agreed to move when she suggested it," she shrugged.

"And then you met the greatest person you'll ever meet in your life," I winked, slowing down once we returned to the playground where Dinah, Camila and Finn were at.

"You aren't Will," she teased, making me groan.

"Why him, Ally? He's such trash and you know you deserve better," I immediately scolded her for always being so clueless when it came to Bracey. Why was she so blinded by him? He was a plain, boring white guy with nothing interesting about him.

"He's been talking about marriage lately, Lauren," she said seriously. No...

"What the fuck?" my mouth couldn't help but open in a slight gasp.

"I mean, after seven years of dating and we're in our late twenties, don't you think that's an appropriate time?" she frowned.

"Yeah, with anyone except him," I grumbled.

"I don't get it. After everything he's done for you and you hate him just because of who he... voted for? That's so stupid. And wouldn't you be happy for me? Your best friend? Only friend?" she started getting upset.

"I just feel like you're settling for him. You're forcing yourself to like him when you really don't. I don't think you ever have," I argued.

"And who are you to be the judge of that?" she glared.

"I can see it all the time when I'm around you two. It's quite painful actually," I quipped.

"Maybe you're just jealous then," she crossed her arms, smirking.

"Oh, don't even go there, Allyson. What would I be jealous of? A greasy white supremacist?" I retaliated.

"He's not-" her arms dropped down, really pissed now. "You know what? I don't even have to explain shit to you. I'm a grown woman, making my own choices about who I want to be with for the rest of my life. None of that concerns you."

Those words. 'For the rest of the my life.' That hurt so deep and I thought I couldn't get hurt anymore. But with Ally, it was wound after wound.

It wasn't jealousy because I wanted her. No, not at all. I mean, yes I fucked her relentlessly for the longest time, but there were still no feelings there. Strictly platonic. Always would be.

It was just... it was just Ally. I was like her sister... her older sister although by only 10 days. And I should've been always looking out for my little sis like she did for me. After all, she had taken me in when no one else has ever since the nightmare of high school. We were each other's best friends, sisters... even mothers most of the time. We were the only people for each other really. Now she was probably about to be engaged to Will.

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