Chapter IX: Strike Two

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Camila's POV

Lauren was blasting some hip hop/rap music through the gym speakers. Mostly Kendrick Lamar. And I wouldn't have minded since I was a fan of Kendrick myself, but my son was in here with us. So were Wes' boys. They were being all cute and shit with Lauren teaching them how to play basketball. It was a pleasant time.

Oh well. I wasn't going to be that kind of mom and tell her to turn the music off. She was in a good mood right now.

"You got everything in here." I saw Wes enter the gym, causing me to take my earphones out and stand up.

"Yeah, it's nice," I smiled, glad that he and his kids were here with us in Dallas. No special occasion in particular... just to be Finn and I's friends.

"Looks like Lauren's getting the boys into shape," he chuckled, watching them play H-O-R-S-E.

"They love her," I nodded. And I knew she loved them just as much even though she'd never admit it. Just look at that little smile she wore, helping my son dribble the ball better.

"What are you doing right now?" he brought me in by holding my hands.

"Just writing," I shrugged, gesturing over to the songbook by my bag on the floor.

"Why don't we go some place quieter? Lauren's got the kids," he hinted.

"Should we?" I whispered.

"Come on," he persuaded and I got my bag and things for him to lead me out.


It was a feeling that I hadn't experienced in a long time.


Which was sad after the way Wes told me his true, most heartfelt feelings for me. He had a lot of them over the past couple of years which was sweet. And I simply listened as I was flattered by his words. Until we took it into the bedroom.

After we were done, he fell asleep as I remained lying in bed next to him. Shouldn't have been surprised that he only lasted about 15 minutes. Most of the time spent trying to get "it" up.

But at least it was longer than Lauren. Lol kidding..... Not really.

Anyway, the important thing was how I felt afterwards which was... well... nothing. I was only empty. That was my first time with him and it didn't leave me with the sensation I thought it would. I thought it would be so much more because... I liked Wes. I really did. Still not as much as he liked me but it should've been everything I ever wanted, right? No. Not even close.

Fuck. Maybe it was me. I always tried to convince myself I was the reason I wasn't getting very much pleasure after nights with men. I mean, not like I was banging every guy I met but... I had my fair share. Most of them definitely kept secrets from the public for this very reason. There was nothing special about them so why bother continuing on?

And besides from the physical pleasure... no one even satisfied my heart.

"Hey, sorry if I'm interrupting. I-" Lauren's eyes trailed down the bath robe I was wearing, making me cover up more. "Hm, I think I am interrupting something in there," she winked.

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