Chapter XX: More Than Ever

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Lauren's POV

Camila is so fucking beautiful.

Like, the most beautiful human being I'd ever known. And I wasn't just talking about her face and body. No, she was so much more than just the physical.

I hated what I did to her all those years ago. How I took advantage of her innocent self at only 18, and then how I treated her afterwards. She never deserved that.

Then again if it didn't happen, we wouldn't have Finn. I couldn't imagine my life without that little boy now. He's one of the best things that happened to me. If not, the best and I thank Camila every day for him. Him and our beautiful baby girl on the way.

It was safe to say Camila meant the world to me. She wasn't just some girl who I wanted to put my dick inside of. Not anymore.

She was the only girl I wanted to put my dick inside of. That's a fucking upgrade if I do say so myself.

Well, not only that but I needed to appreciate the woman who brought a smile to my face at the mere thought of her. Even Ariana Grande couldn't fuck with that.

"...Is that even a question?" she looked at me seriously without a trace of shock.

"Yes, it is. Maybe I'm ignorant but I just need to hear the words," I replied in an underlying plea.

"What's it matter anyway?" she shook her head, shrugging. "You're with Camila Cabello, have two kids with her, you're... in love with her."

"Woah, woah, woah, don't make assumptions," I frowned. "I asked you one question from you and only you. Don't deflect it."

She took a deep breath and looked down. "Well, I'm not going to answer it since it's not going to change anything."

"You don't know that."

"You're not going to leave your girlfriend for me."

"No, but... after all we've been through, Ariana-"

"No, Lauren, just don't," she closed her eyes. "We shouldn't even bother. We're friends and that's how it should always be."

"So... no more feelings?" I whispered, trying to figure it out.

"I can't admit that."

"Then admit whatever the fuck you feel, Jesus Christ. You give me the messiest head all the damn time, you know that? Why can't you be easy?" an annoyed tone grew in my voice as I started getting frustrated.

"We were never easy. And maybe that's why we don't belong," she folded her arms.

I swallowed hard and nodded, "You got that right. Nothing was in our favor. Ever."

She got up from her seat, grabbed her bag and began on her way out. Pausing by my side she whispered close to my ear, "But I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat."

What the fuck?

"Your family loves you so much already, baby girl." I heard Camila's soothing voice coming from the living room where I was heading to after that disturbing flashback. "...You have the sweetest big brother who's gonna protect you. Grandparents and aunts who are gonna spoil you like crazy." I listened in from a distance, watching her as she looked down at her growing bump and spoke to our baby. "And two mothers who will give you the world. We all will. We can't wait to meet you."

"You're fucking incredible," I smirked when I reached her at the sliding door.

"Oh... hey, babe," she husked, allowing me to kiss her. "You heard all of that?"

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