Chapter XVII: Save Myself

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A/N: Hi sorry I'm late but here you go

Lauren's POV

Ariana? As in Ariana Grande? As in a woman who had a huge impact on my life a few years ago? In so many ways that only a handful of people in this world knew about.

Well, goddamn.

Me: Hey, what's up?

Ariana: Just wondering how you've been. It's been a while.

Damn right it's been a while. Besides seeing her at that kiddy award show in the spring, it surely had to be three or four years since we last seen each other. And though I didn't like to think about that fact all that much, I did think about it. A lot.

Obviously wasn't going to lay that all out though.

Me: It has and I've been alright. It looks like you're doing well with your new music.

Ariana: I am, thank you. Maybe we can meet up some time the next time you're in LA?

Oh shit, already? I was about to make plans to travel overseas... with my other love interest.

Me: Not sure when that next time will be but I'll let you know.

Simple conversation over text. Didn't seem like there was much to it. But a conversation that kept me up thinking and wondering. Fuck, this was bad timing. I couldn't be thinking about one woman who I had feelings for while I was currently with Camila. Well, a woman who I used to have feelings for. Over the years, as I was locked up, those feelings had to have gone away by now. At least somewhat. Though they may not have which scared the fuck out of me.

Dammit, Jauregui, more fears? I was truly not myself anymore.


"It feels good to have you back, Lo," Camila grinned at me once we landed in the UK.

"Feels better knowing Dinah and Normani refused to come," I smirked.

"Whatever. They hated on our family and I will have none of that," she stated like the smart woman she was. Best she left those snakes behind forever. I didn't need them ruining any more of Camila and I's lives. Especially when we were expecting a new baby.

"Our family. That sounds even better coming from you," I admitted unabashedly.

"It's the truth," she smiled, taking my hand to hold while I held onto Finn's other hand.


"You don't mind sleeping in the same bed, right?" Camila asked while in our shared hotel suite.

"Not like we haven't done it before. Besides, you're already pregnant," I joked.

I was sat on the bed, looking at the ultrasound pictures we got from the other day. Still couldn't stop looking at them nor could I forget the feeling of seeing my tiny nugget on the sonogram, as well as hearing its soft little heartbeat. It was priceless.

The doctor said the kid was all fine and healthy, but still too early to tell the gender.

It'd be nice to have another boy. But a girl was just as good too. I really wasn't the one to care about shit like that. Not like Camila was. She was always guessing the gender, even following old wives tales like doing the Chinese calendar and some ring test above her tummy. Couldn't lie though that the whole thing was exciting. Everyday, I kept feeling better and more comfortable about it.

"Doesn't she look so cute?" Camila lied down next to me.

"Oh, you think it's a girl?" I smirked.

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