Chapter Seven: When Extremes Meet

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My head was pounding, and I could hear muffled voices in the background.

"How is she? How long has she been out?"

"She's been out for a few days, but we think she's going to be alright. Don't worry, Atka. The best healers have worked on her."

"Has my sister been here to heal?"


"Then the best healers haven't worked on her. Have one of your acolytes bring Niani here. She's the best at what she does in Republic City. Now, would someone care to explain what happened?"

I sat up in bed, resulting in a painful head rush even though I did it slowly. "Yeah, what happened?" I looked over to where Tenzin and my mother stood, looking at me with surprised looks on their faces.

My mom rushed over to the side of the bed and held my hand. "Oh, thank the spirits you're awake. Your dad and I were so worried. Aunt Niani is on her way to do a healing session."

My mom and I looked up to Tenzin, waiting for an explanation.

"I would wait for one of your friends to come back to explain what happened. I wasn't conscious at the time everything went down. Mako and your boyfriend had the closest view when it happened."

"What? Tarou was there?"

I shook my head. "I broke up with him. I'm dating Bolin now," I told her as she pushed me back to lay down.

Mom smoothed back my hair. "Alright. I'm excited to meet him. Has Dad met him yet?"

I nodded. "Dad likes him a lot. So do I."

"That's good."

I looked around my mom to get a view of Tenzin. "Where's Korra?"

"She's helping the rest of your group move in. She barely left your side while you were unconscious. I practically had to beg her to help your other friends. She didn't want to leave you."

Mom smiled. "That's sweet."

I smiled back, nodding. "It is."

"Sir, they're inducting the new Chief of Police soon. You and Avatar Korra should both be there," an acolyte said, poking his head through the door.

"You're right. I will be back in an hour or so with Korra."

I did a small wave with my fingers. "See you later, Tenzin."

"I can't believe you're helping out the Avatar. I'm so proud of you," Mom said once Tenzin was gone.

"Thanks. Dad made me do it. If it were up to me, I'd be at home right now."

"I'm sure you miss home. I miss it too."

"When did you get back?"

"Just this morning. The island is the first place I came. I didn't even stop at home. I was so worried about my little girl."

"Where were you this time? Kyoshi Island? Ba Sing Se? What did you bring me?"

Mom laughed. "I was in Omashu. Unfortunately, I forgot to get you a souvenir. I left as soon as I got the letter from your dad that you were in a coma, or whatever you want to call it."

"Oh my spirits, you're awake!" I heard fast footsteps and was suddenly being hugged, catching me off guard. "Thank the spirits you're safe."

The hugger let me go, revealing it to be Mako. I smiled as he sat down on the bed next to my feet.

"Is this your boyfriend?" Mom asked.

I laughed at the thought of dating Mako. "No, this is my boyfriend's brother, Mako."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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