Chapter 28

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(Nattlies pov)

A new day and maybe even a new me. Its been about a week since Leon and myself opened up to each other and said how we feel. Unfortunately Luke is still on my case about wanting to 'take me out sometime' but I'm not interested. I've tried talking to Beth about Luke but ever since they became an official thing she refuses to believe me. She thinks I'm just seeing things. 

I didn't see Leon during the day as we don't have a class together today and during break times he had chess club. We planned to meet up after school at my place but so far it isn't going as planned. 

"So what you say?" said Luke walking over to my car. I start to open my car door a bit faster wanting to avoid the question and trying to get to Leon quicker. 

"So tell me now... You, me, beers and maybe even a lap dance sweet cheeks?" he said with a smirk.

I was instantly furious. I turned to look at him and saw Beth getting closer. 

"I'm just kidding, geez can't you take a joke sweet cheeks" he said with a dirty wink.

"Who can't take a joke?" asked Beth with a little laugh but I can see she just want to break the conversation. I have a feeling she knows what I'm talking about when I told her he's flirty but I think she convinces herself that shes the only one who can turn his head. 

"Nattlie here... I told her a blonde joke and she didn't find it funny." said Luke trying to cover up.

Beth looked at me with a 'get real' face.

"Come on Natts you have been so up tight lately. Luke was just pulling your legs so have a laugh and relax a bit. What are you doing now? We haven't had a girl spa day in a while." asked Beth walking over to me. 

I start climbing into my car. "Sorry Beth I have plans now but how about tomorrow after school. We really do need to catch up." I said with a smile. I closed my door then rolled down my widow. 

"Perfect" she said returning the smile. I could see Luke was curious about the whole 'I have plans' thing. Usually I tell Beth all the details but now I just brushed her off.

I'm on my way to my house now. I can see Leon standing against my door looking nerdy as ever. I cant picture a nerdy gangster. I have to remember to ask him about it later. I pulled into the parking lot of my estate. I smiled at him as I got to the door.

"Hey stranger" he said as I hugged him. 

"Hey Bash"I replied with a grin. He laughed a bit.

(Leons pov)

We walked into Nattlies house, I placed my bags by the door and took my sweater off. 

"Make yourself at home," she said when taking off her shoes "I have a question... how does a nerdy guy like you fit in a gang. You don't really fit the part. Ummm you don't really look the bad boy part." 

"I use to dress like Simon or more accurately he dressed like me. When we moved the first time the whole being smart and looking like a gangster didn't go well. I decided to ditch the look and start my new life from scratch so I ended up giving him all my clothes. Whatever he didn't want went to charity. Drawing attention to myself didn't work well, so I had to give up the fame to be safe. Simon on the other hand... he's never been able to give that up. I think its his way of always having Slade around. Now that I'm out of the picture, all the girls instead of half the girls fall at his feet which he also seems to enjoy. I mean if that's what he wants then whatever but if something comes out then I'm not getting pulled back in. I'll always help him out in any way I can but if he's gonna drag me back in, then its every man for themselves." I said while sitting on the couch. I can feel myself getting upset.

"Have you been on a horse?" she asked out of the blue. A change in subject was exactly what I needed at this point. 

"No I cant say I have." I said honestly.

At that moment she grabbed my hand and  pulled me through the house and out the back door.  She let go but kept walking at fast pace. I followed her without asking questions. It's best to just go with the flow if a girl is on a mission. 

"Ta-da!" she sings a little. 

I looked into the barn and I saw five horses on each side of the stable. My eyes grew with excitement. I've seen them in real life but never up close. I started walking up to a black horse with white markings on his face and legs. He was quite something. 

"Tornado," Nattlie says when she finally reached me, "his name is Tornado. He use to be a mustang. My dad saw the way he was being treated one night at the bull fights and bought him for double hes worth. He was in a bad condition when daddy brought him home. We had the vet come and take a look at him and all. It took about a year to get him healed and healthy. No one has been able to get on him but you can walk him with a horse lead." 

"May I?" 

She opened the door and he started walking towards me so I took a few steps back. He lowered his head and I put my hand out. 

"He really likes you. I'm impressed he has never walked to anyone or even put his head down to be touched... Stay there quickly, keep your hand on his head, I'm gonna try something." Nattlie said while slowly moving to get a saddle. She gently placed it on his back and did something... I'm not quite sure what, as I couldn't see exactly. 

"I can't believe it. He has only ever had the saddle on twice before and each time took a few hour to get him to calm down. I don't wanna force you to do anything but I'm curious... if you do this there is a 50% chance of you getting really hurt. I wont think anything bad of it if you say no" 

"Ok... what is it?" I ask nervously.

"Slowly make your way to me but keep your hand on him so he can feel its you moving around him. He tends to kick if he doesn't know whats going on and there's someone behind him. Then I'll help you to get on him. There is a chance that he might through you off like everyone who has ever tired to get on him but I have a feeling he wont if it's you." 

I slowly started to move towards her while keeping my hand on him. Tornado didn't flinch, he stood there still and I could feel his powerful yet calm body under my hand. I placed my foot on the stirrup and climbed up slowly. Nattlie looked at me with the biggest smile in the world. I'm currently sitting on tornado and there isn't a change in his attitude. I held onto the horn of the saddle. I will admit this is pretty cool. 

At that thought he started walking forward...

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