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Today is the first day of high school, and I totally freaked out. As soon as my uber came to a stop at a large school full of teenagers, I totally had a mental breakdown


I'm gay, and none of these boys attract me.

I see one that seriously needs a wax on his unibrow. Gross.

I got out of the uber, and have him thanks.

Then I walked up to my new high school.

Jesus. When I was a kid, I always thought that I'd go to high school with a girlfriend, 100 turtles, and another girlfriend.

Well, plans didn't work out too well.

1, I'm gay.

2, I only have 12 turtles ;_;.

3, if I had another 'girlfriend', I would've cheated on both of those bitches.

I feel like high school has had a bad effect on me. I'm swearing a lot, I've had thoughts of smoking weed and drinking alcohol, going out to parties, acting rude to anyone who's younger than me.

I wish we were all kids again, everyone used to be so nice.

But now, most of them are sucking dick for money, selling their bodies, doing drugs, stuff like that.

But the girls, most of them dress like sluts and hookers. That's why I'm gay, it just really turns me off. And plus, guys are just so nice to me.

Well, some..

Right as I thought that, Mr Thomas Jefferson had rolled by.

"Hello, Johnny boy~" he said, in a fake flirtish tons, as he pushed me lightly.

"Hello, weed man." I had replied, not shaping any expression at all, just a blank one.

Thomas is my school bully, ever since preschool.

Weed man is the nickname I gave for the bastard, because, well, you should've guessed it by now.

He's one of the druggies at school, and he doesn't only do weed. He does pot, heroine, cocaine, crazy shît like that.

The only reason he does the crazy ones if because he LOVES (and when I say loves, I mean LOVES) to show off, like always.

But before he attempted to punch me, a small man with a not heavy beard, with long brown hair, and gorgeous blue eyes bumped in to me, and immediately apologize.

"O-oh! No! It's perfectly fine" I brushed him off.

He looked up at me as he blushed and hugged me very tightly. I was so confused, but so engulfed by this man, that I just lightly hugged him back.

He knew that I had no clue what that was for, so he explained himself.

"O-oh! I'm very sorry, that's how I show people that I'm their friend. That is, if you accept my offer.. To be your friend that is. And most people don't accept it because, well, ya know. I hugged em outta nowhere!" He giggled very nervously, having a forced fake smile plastered all over his face, waiting for my answer.

"Of course, I need friends anyway. I thought that was kinda cute, actually."

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