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I woke up to a John clinging on me, and one hand golfing my waist.

I slowly moved his body off of mine, so that I would wake him up.

He had 30 more minutes to sleep, then he had to start getting ready.

I get ready early, so I have 30 more minutes to do shit before I have to leave.

I put on my blue hoodie, some jeans, and my Nikes.

I made some cereal, and ate. Soon, John woke up.

He got up and stretched, then came in to the kitchen.

"Mornin' ba-.." He stopped himself as he blushed. "I-I mean.. Alex." He smiles, as he took a seat and sat down, eating his own cereal that I had made for him.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked, smiling as he ate his cereal.

"Great, you?" I asked, placing my hand slightly on his, which was laying on the table.

He blushed, and then twirled his hair. "I slept well. Since I was with you.." He whispered the last part, which I didn't get to hear.

He got ready, and we walked out as we waited for our uber.

The uber came, and we drove off to school.

When we got there, we held hands as we went up the stairs and to the entrance of the school.

He smiled at me, and then waves as he walked off to his first class.

I smiled, and waved back, thinking about how cute he was.


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