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He sat there staring into space as I removed my hand from his lap
" well erm I guess I'll explain what happened starting from about 2 years ago" he said putting his face into his hands

I was in a relationship with this blonde girl called Natalie I mean at the time she was my all we did everything together I can't even believe I'm saying this cause now I wouldn't even spit on the bitch she was a straight up hoe I never believed it when Nathan used o say it to me he always knew she was another side hoe but my dumbass didn't believe him... then I found out she was fucking with Brandon this was before he was with char and I was broken I didn't want to face anyone I mean I talked to Brandon and he said it was all her but I don't trust him no more that's why I don't want him near you no more I can't take it everytime he even looks at you I feel like punching him he says between deep breaths as random tears fell from his cheeks

I got a hold of his face and pushed my lips onto his the kiss was passionate as it went on for a good 3 minutes I was on top of him as I whispered into his ear "I'm here to stay and  it'll take more for me to leave pretty boy" I said grinning away a smile formed on his perfect lips as he took me in for another kiss which slowly had turned into a makeout session before I knew it I lauded in his bed with him in just my lace bra and knickers and him breathing heavily next to me in his Calvin's and to that I snakes my arms around him falling  asleep to his heartbeat and his body scent which was close to heaven itself ....

I woke up, the light shone through my dark curtains which instantly made my room dim but orangey arai was still asleep I laid their staring at her demeanour her hair was perfect the way it swept across her fact down to her shoulders her skin was glowing and I knew this girl wasn't wearing makeup her lips were naturally plump, man this girl is everything was I really falling for her? I thought to myself I shuffled myself in bed as I was feeling hot I felt her body placing my hands on her back she was cold I smacked my hands around her and snuggled my body tight up against her...
Man was she beautiful
I lay their staring at her face this could be weird but I cared too much for her she understood my problems my likes my dislikes I knew there was something special about her even when i made a promise to myself to not get into any relationship, well I broke that rule

"Hey" i said whispering up close to her face
"Hey" she said waking up rubbing her face against my chest
" did you sleep okay"
"Zion is that even a question when I'm with you " she winked whilst making her way out of the bed
" nooooo don't gooooo stay in bed with meeee" I whined tugging on her arm
"Zion you know it's late" she said peering down onto her phone which read 10 am  "and I need to get ready come on" she said whilst laughing
I finally let go of her as I watched her walk over to the bathroom

She looked cute with her fine ass out in my hoodie it fit her massively as I watched her from the corner of my eye out her silky hair into a bun man that gets me weak,!

"Right I'm gonna go and shower and I'll run home to grab some clothes okay" she said walking back out of the bathroom
"No leave it it's freezing outside take a shower and just wear my clothes" I said smirking up from my phone
"Z you know your clothes will fit like a bin bag on me and then I won't look cute" she said walking over to my dresser
" don't say that you look cute in my clothes" I said getting up and handing over a hoodie and some basketball shorts
"Okay I'll be back in a few" she said taking the clothes and hopping into the shower

His shower was simple but good it wasn't too complicated like mine at home I turned it on making the bathroom kinda steamy I loved taking hot showers I stripped down tummy clothes putting it onto his hamper, untying my hair I brushed it through and started washing my hair, afterwards I scrubbed my body with his men's care shower gel I couldn't lie it smelt pretty good after raining off my body I hopped out the shower and wrapped my self into the towel that hung on the rack after getting dressed I laughed at my appearance his clothes were massive on me but I could t like I made it work I tied up the hoodie in a knot in the front and folded the basket ball shorts.

Zion was fully dressed but the time I got out he used the other bathroom in the house which was thankfully free from the boys!
"Mama you look goooood he said snapping me I covered my hands with my face as I blushed hopelessly
"Right let's go and eat I am so hungry" he said turning his phone off taking my hand and leading me down the stairs

"Hey guysss"
"Oh aria slept round I didn't even notice"
The boys said as they all talked at once Edwin was making eggs as he played up our breakfast, Austin came running trough the kitchen singing Uber everywhere 🔥🔥whilst pouring in orange juice for us all
We all sat down to eat we ate pretty quick as we were all hella hungry after that we talked in the pm house for ages about the randomest things!! Man I loved times like these

"Who wants to go somewhere I'm getting bored"exclaimed nick whilst cleaning his already clean white air forces
"Yeah sounds good" I said whilst fishing for my phone as I heard it ringing
It lay their on the worktop near the microwave and Zion handed it over to me "you've got a call aria it's from some dude called......he said squinting down at my phone
"Rafael" he reads from the phone
The boys all turn and look at me waiting for a reaction as they watched both em and Zion
"Uh yeah yeah that's just an old friend from back home here" I say taking the phone trying not to internally facepalm myself
(3 minutes into the phone call with Rafael)

"Woah no way..... really ....okay when.....send me the details okay ....see you soon....sure I'll pick you up
And with that I ended the call
The boys just stared at me including Zion
"Sooooo whose that" he said trying to hide his already jealous face
"Oh that's Rafael we used to go to high school together he's coming to visit LA and he was saying how if I could show him a found I said I'll meet up with him  and he can meet y'all aswell , I think you guys will like him" I said positively grabbing a water bottle out of their fridge
" nice"
"Don't think we will get along but okay" I heard Zion say under his breath as he started at me
"Lighten up pretty boy he's just a friend and you never know you might make a real good loyal friend" I said after planting a kiss on his cheek
"Fine okay lets see this kid" he said smiling down at me
"Wait I'm pretty sure he has insta" I said scrolling through my search page
"Oh here look that's him" I said to which by surprise all the boys came running around me

sure I'll pick you upAnd with that I ended the call The boys just stared at me including Zion"Sooooo whose that" he said trying to hide his already jealous face "Oh that's Rafael we used to go to high school together he's coming to visit LA and he...

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"Woahhh dude looks like you got competition" Edwin said I immediately punched him in his stomach
"Heyyy that hurt" he whinged
" then shut up"I said half laughing
"He seems cool" Brandon exclaimed moving closer to me I shuffled away still feeling awkward about what happened

"Okay that's enough staring time"
"He's coming this Friday sooo be nice" I did locking my phone and facing the guys

Zion smirked at me "oh we'll be nice we'll be extra nice" she stared twisting one of his dreads

Personally he's lowkey my second dad lollll 🔥😭😂

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