Awakenings and remakings ...

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4 days later

I'm turned up the volume to my favourite songs (song above) as I sang out I had just been to target to grab a bunch of fresh flowers and a card which read in so happy your better I grabbed a XL box of Ferrrero Roche and had it packed nicely at the counter I was on the way to visit jez.
I turned my car into her drive as she lived in a bigger apartment complex I made my way through the  lift and buzzed at her door when I saw Theo opened it up I gulped when I saw him as it took me by surprise
"Hey" he said looking  at me warmly
"Hi" I said forcing a smile as I made my way though their door as he let me in I saw jezmarie  laying on her couch longways in their chic apartment I immediately smiled as I made my  way to her
"You have no idea how much I've fucking missed you" I said sadly giving her a hug
"Aria you too man I thought you were gone  forever" jez said sounding sad
"How are you" I whispered
She nodded her head before answering "a lot better girl honestly my shoulder had never felt so bad in my life I thought I was gonna die aria it's like god gave me a chance to live again thank for the surgeons took me under quickly really all thanks to nick and Brandon for rushing me to the hospital in time" she said staring down at her nails
"Hey don't be sad your better and you look good and guess who brought you get well soon presents" I said cheerfully pulling out the bag and flowers from ten floor where I set them down
She laughed looking at me "girl tell me you didn't now I really feel like a fucking grandma" she said tilting her head back laughing more
"Shut up you deserve this jez you literally took a fucking bullet for me no one I know would've done that at that time it really shows your a loyal friend and I honestly can't thank you enough" I said again now getting sad
"Girllllll" she said pulling me into a hug we hugged for a long time as I saw Theo again in the kitchen
"Uh sorry to ruin your girl moment but jez imma just pop out to get some groceries you want anything" he asked
"I'm good" she said turning to face him
He walked her way kissing her lips by bending down behind the couch
I felt awkward
He left as he shuffled moving the fluffy blanket on me too
"Aria tell me how was everything" she asked
"Well you know how it was it was awful Zion told you didn't he" I said looking closely at her
"Yeah he did but you know what that asshole deserved to die both of them it gives me some reassurance knowing their both dead I couldn't stop crying when Zion told me" she said looking at me warm
"I know it's just scary if something happens to soon jez I don't know what I'll do I'm broken I really really love him and he's young....we're young it's not right I feel...I feel uneasy like he's here part time" I spoke quietly
"Aria don't say that nothings gonna happen it all gonna be okay you need to be strong he will feel better knowing you are strong and you are close by him trust me" she said hiking my hand squeezing it in reassurance
"Thanks jez" is said smiling at her
"Anytime" she spoke happily
"None of the guys know and I think it's better that way" I said calmly
"Wait what do you mean I thought Edwin was their" she said confused
"Yeah no Edwin was their but the rest of the guys have no idea they know what's on the news" I said shaking my head
"You think that's the right thing to do" she asked her eyebrows raised
"Yeah.... I think ....ugh I don't know I don't know anything anymore" I said slumping into her couch
"It's a hard one you just don't want it do be hard down the line" she spoke looking at me
"Yeah" I said staring into space
"How was hospital life girly" I asked changing the topic
"Dreadful ya know on tv shows they make out being ill so fricking cute but let me tell you it's not I literally wore this night gown for surgery that had my ass out" jez laughed
"Oh boy and I thought I had it bad I'm happy your better jez honestly I don't know why I feel really close to you like your an old friend" I said with warm eyes
"Me too girl it's hard out here to make friends well real friends and I'm pretty sure you know about that living in la for a bit now" she replied shaking her head
"Yeah" I muttered
"OMG" jez said out the blue in complete surprise
"Me you and char should do like a girls night ya know like just us a little girls sleepover and we can chillllll watch moviesssse" she said quickly stretching out her words
"Yeah yeah actually why not" I laughed
"Where my house" I asked
"I was thinking mine cause I've got the bombers place for pizza just 10 mins away I'm talking pizza on another level" she explained enthusiastically
"Issa plan I'll let char know right imma get going Zion will probably come looking for me in like 10 cause he'll start to get worried again" I said looking down
Jezmarie noticed my expression
"Aria you've got a great guy on your hands Zion really cares about you, you can see it in his eyes so don't worry he's doing this to protect you" she said lowly
"I know" I said understanding "right I guess this is bye" I said giving her a hug "bye babes talk soon" she replied as I let myself out

I walked down the corridor as I caught the lift down to ground floor I mad my way out of the building when I saw Theo walking up in my direction I kept my head down and headed to my car FUCK my car was right near him as well I carried on quick walking taking my keys out he caught my eyes WHY and approached me "Aria" he said coming my way "aria" he called again now near me I looked up at him as he met me "why are you ignoring me" he said hurtfully "I'm not Theo I just need to get Zion's waiting for me at home" I said nonchalantly "huh can't even stop to talk to an old friend" he said looking at me shaking his head "Theo it's not that and you know that look a lot has been going on recently and in fact you should be by jez's side she was hurt that you weren't their at the hospital" I said looking at him harshly he looked across the street and met my eyes again "what if I don't wanna be their for her" he spat quickly I was startled I didn't know what to say " bye Theo" I said with a disgusted look getting into my car and driving off

Who does he think he is telling me that 'he doesn't wanna be their' !!

I arrived back at home after driving for 20 mins cause of some la traffic when I came home I noticed Zion was facing with his back to me so I crept up beside him and kissed his neck "hmmmm don't stop" he mocked laughing as I slapped his arm getting off I smiled uncontrollably as I looked at his get up "hang on what's with the no shirt and denim dungaree look" I said chuckling "what you don't think it's hot" he spoke striking multiple poses that made me laugh
He cane closer to me as I pulled on his strap pulling him closer his eyes flickered to my lips as mine did the same before I kissed him we moved in rhythm as one of his straps came undone exposing his toned caramel chest he held onto my waist squeezing it and lifting me up making me giggle under his touch "zionnn"

I giggled as he playfully kissed my chest and face he let out a deep laugh as I rested my hands on his chest looking at him eye level cause he picked me up " come on let's have a baby"he said lustfully looking into my eyes I pulled a shocked face as he laughed "come on just one for now let's do it" he begged "Caleb Zion kuwonu I do not wish to be pregnant at the age of 20" I said widely "oh come on mamas you know you want this" he said playfully showing off his abs "put it away" laughed ( doesn't that remind you of that vid with Edwin and Zion where Edwin legit thrusting the air and Zion's like put it away lolll just a thought 😂😂😂) covering my eyes as he kissed my lips again not letting go

I stopped and spoke in between kisses "right *kiss* that's *kiss* enough *kiss* for today I laughed afterwards as he pulled away "is that it" he said disappointed as I left his embrace "yes Caleb come on we have shit to do" I said giggling at his weakness "but babe I'm turned on now" he said playfully up close to me squeezing my ass "I'm horny" he whispered into my ear which made me laugh even more "shut up boi then turn yourself off" I laughed walking away up the stairs "you can't keep doing this it ain't healthy" he shouted up the stairs as I laughed to myself ...

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