I swear i walk with god but the devil keeps following....

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I lay on the cold floor numb.

I could no longer feel my legs due to the component the guy had drugged me with I felt weak like I couldn't move I tried escaping but there was no hope.

I couldn't tell wether there was light of day or not ,instead I lay their my body empty. My phone was scattered across the room I couldn't reach it due to being tied up the walls steel loops making it hard for me to shuffle in any motion

I heard deep voices in the distance outside the steel door my heart dropped to think what they would want me for now yet some part of me couldn't release enough energy to care the room was cold the floor a grey colour all that consisted of the room was a wooden desk which had multiple stacks of money on it scattered about no windows no vents.
My knees were bloody and shot pain through me momentarily from falling on them I had a white cloth bandages carelessly around the top of my left arm at where the man crouched to give me the injection.

The voices got closer and closer as I began to shake Inside he entered
"Looks like your coming along just fine" he chuckled which almost made my stomach churn all ways

I sat their silent

"Crazy isn't it" he said quietly sitting in his chair biting his nails as he watched me

"Crazy how someone.... so close.... so handsome.... so innocent before, could bring you to this state" he said mysteriously

My head automatically thought of raf how could he I still couldn't believe he could do such a thing but it was done physcho was right he was innocent...not any more

"You see that's how the world works the handsome guys become deluded like me and have to find another occupation to bring bread to the table and your another asset" he said getting up off his chair walking over to me

I stared straight ahead as he came closer and closer crouching down his hands travelled to my face choking it tightly squeezing it
My breathing pattern increased as I hated his presence with all my life

"It's always the good girls that die first my lovely" he said cold smirking as he let go of my face abruptly getting up again ready to leave the room

"You sell girls" I muttered sadly realising it all
He stopped in his tracks to look at me
"You sell young females like pieces of meat to entertain your narcotic behaviour and to make the money that you feed your kids" I said this time loudly looking straight into his eyes disgustingly

"Darling your not the first don't be too flattered" he said snarking shutting the door loudly

My stomach churned at his words as I thought of multiple females being tortured to just be sold...
I sat their in despair as I brought myself up to stand wincing at the weakened feeling that had taken over my body just as I thought I would get up I collapsed to the floor yet again this time the room spinning and flying in my eyes making everything appear white...

I held the gun tightly tucking it into my pants; as it was dark out, now Brandon followed me ,just as I ran down the stairs barging through the door Edwin came through noticing the menacing look upon my face he ran up to me getting out of the Uber
"Zion" he called after me as I walked in the opposite direction to nicks car

"ZION" he yelled this time sprinting to me
I didn't say a word I read I got in the car h followed round and sat in the passenger seat leaving Brandon at the door to watch us
I closed the car door starting the engine loudly
"YO BRO SAY SOMETHING" Edwin said grabbing the steering wheel before I could use it
"WHAT" I said startling him in his seat
As I stared ahead of me
"IM KILLING THAT FUCKING SON OF A BITCH EDWIN IMMA MAKE SURE HE DIES PAINFULLY TO THE POINT WHERE HE BE SWEATING FOR AIR " I shouted grabbing the wheel turning it viciously to drive out of our house drive

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