|Chapter Three |

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Chapter Three

"...And yes mama I will be coming to visit next month!" Natalie announced. We were all so happy. It's about time she decided to come back to her home. Real home.

In the meantime I had packing to do. Only 48 hours left to go before I can finally breathe in the Florida air and also see Chris. I haven't talked to him all day and I missed him. It's crazy how we fell for eachother and can barely go a day without talking. He did send me a message this morning saying good morning but after that we haven't really talked but it's okay.

"Dress, glasses, sandals, purse...." I listed out loud as I packed my first suitcase. Incoming call from Chris ❤️... Yes! I mentally cheered as I picked up the phone.

"Hey baby" his deep voice said through the phone. I've been waiting all day to hear from him. Just too busy to call or text him but I'm glad he called.

"Hi Cheri, I missed you!" I replied happily. We continued talking for the next hour. I told him about my sisters good news and how excited I was to see him in only 2 days. He told me how his day had went with work and how he was tired but happy to finally talk to me. I was happy and wish I was there with him but we both got to talk about all the things we would do when we finally saw each other.

Now it was time to go help mama cook dinner. Rice and beans with chicken and fried plantains is what we would be eating tonight. It's been this way for a while since things weren't going to well for us. But we would manage as long as we kept praying for things to get better. I'm ready to get a job once I reach the states to send money for my mother and help her out and soon she could be with us too in Florida, the whole family.

"Sispann kouri nan kay la epi netwaye mess la, mwen pap jwe avec ou."(Stop running around the house and clean the mess up, I'm not playing with you) My mama had yelled at Jojo which finally made him calm down and take a seat before he got into more trouble. I set the little table we had by the kitchen placing three plates full of food, the utensils and cups of water for us all.

As we all settled down we got ready to pray. I bowed my head and waited on my mama to begin the prayer. ''Dear heavenly father, thank you for everything you have done and for what you will continue to do for me and my family. Thank you for giving us food to eat and helping us survive in this world."

"Amen" was said from us all as I opened my eyes and began to dig in. I was so hungry. The simple breakfast I had did nothing for me. We all ate in a comfortable silence until I brought up my trip. "Ma.. Will you & Jojo be okay while I'm gone?" I asked her while we continued to eat. Jojo was just making a mess all over the table not paying attention at all as he played with his food. I stared at my mom waiting and saw her begin to slowly tear up and place her spoon down.

Did I say something wrong? What do I do? I was lost and ran to hug and comfort my mother. She took deep breathes and hugged me back tightly. "It's hard, very hard to hear you will be leaving us but it's for the best. My second child going to America to live her life I'm happy for you and I wish you and that boy the best. I will always be praying and miss you dearly." I listened to her and started to tear up, this was real, it was really happening I'll be gone out in the world without my mom. I thanked her and promised to call as much as I can.

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