| Chapter Four |

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Chapter Five

(Chris POV)

I was looking through the aisles of Walmart looking for some snacks to buy. It was around 2:00 Pm and I had to go meet up with my boys so we can go play games and chill. We usually always hung out a few times a week when we weren't busy and since I had a lot on my mind at the moment, it was best to distract myself.

As I grabbed a bag of hot fries and a big bag of Doritos I got a text from Nellie and looked to read it. The message read "When are you coming over baby?" I locked my phone and didn't bother to answer. Things were really complicated for me at the moment and if you didn't know, Nellie was my girlfriend. We've been together for a while now and I felt like shit. None of this was supposed to even happen, I wasn't supposed to fall in love and end up with two girls. It was even worse to find out that Bianca was coming down here soon, really soon.

I sighed and continued to look for more snacks so I could get get out of Walmart and head over to my friend's house. The more I thought about the situation I was in the more stressed I became and didn't even know what do but I know things were going to blow up in my face.

I was a 21 year old dude that lived in Florida. I lived in an apartment on my own which was fine with me since I always liked to have a space of my own. I wasn't poor and I wasn't rich but my parents always made sure I had everything I needed. My parents owned a few restaurants and a few extra side businesses which is where the money came from and I respect that which always brought my interest in wanting to open up a business of my own someday.

After high school, I didn't go straight to College like most people would I just didn't think it was for me but maybe I'll change my mind and try it out. I did help manage some of those restaurants for my parents which is where my income came from and the reason I was able to afford living on my own.

I was in the car bumping to J Cole's new album heading over to my friend Kayden's house. We've been cool since middle school and always hung out ever since. Eventually it became a group of us boys in High school and we all been close.

My phone started to ring showing that I had a call from Nellie. I thought about ignoring it but decided against it since I already didn't reply to her text from earlier. "What's up?" I answered the phone putting it on speaker as I drove.

"That's all you have to say to me? Just what's up? I texted you earlier and you didn't even reply. When are you coming to see me, we haven't spent time together in a while."She's always trying to hang out so much with me and I've honestly been avoiding her since I knew who would be coming soon.

"Look, I can't today I'm hanging out with K and them so maybe another time." I stopped at the red light and turned the radio down a bit while she talked.

"It's always something new everyday like I miss you! Is it so wrong for me to want to see my boyfriend or did you forget we were together? All of sudden you been acting so distant." I rolled my eyes and waited on this slow ass light to turn green.

"I'll call you later." I didn't even give her a chance to reply and just hung up the phone. I didn't have time to hear her complain about how our relationships been lately. I don't even know if I want to be with her anymore! The one I love is 838 miles away from me and I've been lying to her from the beginning. I'm happy that Bianca's finally coming down here but I don't want to bring her in this mess that I caused because I know it will hurt her. Just thinking about her made me want to call and hear her voice but I fought against it since I wasn't in the best mood right now so I'll wait till later tonight.

I finally pulled up to Kayden's house grabbing all the snacks I bought and opened the door. I didn't even need to knock since he always keeps the door open for whatever reason. I noticed that none of the guys were here yet and Kayden must of been in the back somewhere. I put the snacks all in the kitchen and went to go find him.

"Yo K where you at?" I called for him as I made my way to the back. This dude better not be sleeping or some shit.

"I'm taking a shit man holdup!" I stopped walking and turned back. I don't even know why I bothered to ask, this nigga did not need to tell me all of that.

I sat on the couch and took my phone out looking for her name so I could text her. "What you up to beautiful?" I sent the message to her on Whatsapp and turned the TV on to watch some sports.


What do you guys think of Chris so far?

How do you feel about Nellie?

Part 2 of Chris's POV coming soon don't forget to vote and comment

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