| Chapter Six|

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One bag down another one to go.

I'm in my room now packing up the rest of my stuff to get ready to leave for tomorrow.

I can't believe tomorrow is the big day. I am finally going to Florida! Finally leaving this country and going to experience something new! Finally going to see Christopher and my sister!

As excited as I am, I am scared as well. It's not easy to leave behind my family here and start a new life by myself, without them. I know I have my sister but it won't be the same for sure. I wonder how it will be over there. Will the people be nice? Will I find others who are like me? Will it be easy to find work?

So many thoughts run through my head as I finish packing but I promise myself to take it one day at a time.

I look down at my phone and see it ringing with Christoper's name coming up.

"Hey Boo!" I propped up the phone against one of my bags so I could still finish my packing while we talked.

"Hey baby, what's up?"

Just seeing him makes me so happy. I don't know how God blessed me with such a good man. Oh Bondye! (Oh my god)

"Just packing up the rest of my stuff, I'm almost done I just have to find something to wear for the airport tomorrow"

"Wear something comfortable it might be cold but you'll look good no matter what"

"Thank you, maybe you can help me"

We spent the next 20 minutes trying to find something for me to wear and catching up on his day. I decided on a simple short-sleeved yellow dress, a jean jacket, and some white sneakers. It was spring time so the weather should be okay over there. My hair was braided already, I won't have to do anything to it besides make it look presentable.

Now that I got all of my packing out of the way, I can finally relax. I glance over at Chris through the phone and he looks troubled. From what I know his day was pretty good he said he spent it with his friends.

"You sure you okay? You look like something is bothering you?"

He got quiet all of a sudden and that scared me a little. I wondered if I said something wrong or if something bad had happened. "Chris?" I tried calling calling his name.

"Yeah, I'm alright, I'm just scared about tomorrow hoping I get to see you that's all."

"Everything will be okay, I really want to see you too and I will try my best to make it happen. You know I don't know much about the area but once I get to my sister's house I will text you her address and see how far we are from each other ok? Hopefully, my flight is on time."

"I don't care how late it is, just let me know and I'll come pick you up, I just want to be with you."

Hearing that made my heart melt, I love this man! I can't wait to see him tomorrow I just hope everything goes as planned.

"So how is it being on a plane? I need to prepare myself"

We spent the rest of the night talking till we both ended up falling asleep.

The Next Day

I woke up bright and early today just so I could spend a little more time with my family here before it was time to go. My flight is for 2 PM and I do not live too far from the airport so it will not take me long at all to get there. I plan to get ready pretty early just to be on time, I hate being late for things like this.

It was now around 5 in the morning and I was headed into the kitchen to start on some breakfast for my people. It is my last day here, it's the least I could do, plus I should eat before I head out. I planned on making eggs and plantains that we could eat with some bread, a big pot of spaghetti, and some avocados. This should be enough for everyone to eat and it is one of my favorites. What Haitian doesn't love spaghetti?

I put a pot of water to boil and started working on cracking these eggs. I saved a few of the eggs to boil and prepared another pan to scramble the rest. I put the plantains to boil with some salt and started getting everything ready for the spaghetti. I put the eggs to the side as they finished and continued chopping onions and peppers. Everything was coming along and it smelled so good. I was in my element right now, it felt good to cook for those that I love. I did a little taste of the sauce I was making and you could really taste the epis in here. I nodded to myself as I did a good job.

Finishing up I plated everything nicely on the table and set out some cups for everyone to have something to drink. I had squeezed up some limes to make a sweet limeade and had a pitcher of water as well. Now that I am done with breakfast. I can clean up and wait for everyone to start getting up. Looking at the time, it's now around 7:30 and it's the perfect time for me to go shower and start getting myself prepared. I don't like smelling like food after cooking so I rather clean up and then eat.

I showered and put my outfit on for the day and now I was just fixing up my hair a little making sure I looked okay. My mother already called out for me to come to eat as everyone was finally up and ready to start their day.

"Good Morning Baby Girl I can't wait to see you" I read the text from Christopher as it came on my phone. I texted him back as I walked into the kitchen to meet my family.

"Bonjou manman" (Good morning mom)

"Bonjou gran" (Good morning grandma)

I greet my mother and grandma with a kiss on the cheek and a hug this morning as we sit down and start preparing our plates with food.

"Kote JoJo?" (Where is Jojo) asking for my little brother since I hadn't seen him yet in the kitchen. I assume he must be sleeping still.

"Li nan douch la li pral soti talè" (He's in the shower he will be out soon)

Of course, he is still getting ready and now I am starving so I don't think I can wait for him.

"Mwen telman grangou, mwen pa ka tann li" (I am so hungry I can't wait for him)

Both my grandma and mom started laughing as we bowed our heads for a prayer over our food. They knew time was ticking so it was okay for us to eat now. My mother had already plated JoJo's food out for him as he came out into the kitchen rushing straight to his chair. I greeted him as well and watched as he said his little prayer before he started eating. We all sat together and ate while talking about the plans for the day and how much I would miss them.

We talked about her concerns about me moving but overall they are both happy for me. I reassured them that I would call them as much as I could and take a bunch of pictures. I can't wait for the day to come that I can bring them with me so we all can live in the states. I know they will be okay here it just makes me sad that we will be apart for a while, I'm not sure yet when I'll be able to come back home.

I gave each of them the longest hug. It was time for me to go and head to the airport. My mother cried into my shoulder which caused tears to shed from my own eyes. I am going to miss her so much. I hugged my grandmother next and squeezed her just a little tighter not wanting to let go. I hugged JoJo and told him to watch over them, I was going to miss them all. I kissed his little forehead and went to grab my luggage to go.

"Now boarding flight 1326 to Florida..." I heard on the intercom.

It was finally time. Time for a new adventure in a new country.

"Florida here I come" I whispered to myself as I sat looking out the window of the airplane.


If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?

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