| Chapter Five |

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Kayden finally came out of the bathroom and sat down on the couch while I was watching TV.
"Yo man what's up?" I sighed and laid my back. I was beyond stressed and Kayden knew everything that was going on.
"Everything, I don't know what to do man." I honestly needed some advice because I had no idea what to do. I love two girls and it's not right. Especially when they've been nothing but good to me. I just can't get her out of my mind, I don't want to hurt her.

"I can't choose for you but I can tell you that you should just follow your heart. You can't have Bianca coming here without knowing about Nellie and vice versa and you know it's gonna crush Nellie to hear that you been speaking to another girl while she's been nothing but good to you. They're both gonna be hurt about it you just have to figure out what you wanna do and who you think is going to make you happy at the end of the day man." It got quiet as I let his words run through my head over and over again.

"It's gonna be alright,"

All I did was nod and keep my eyes closed. I think I might know what I'm going to do and this may be hard for me but it has to be done.

Getting me out of my thoughts I heard a knock on the door. Must be the other guys here finally.

I got up from the couch and went to open the door and found our other friends waltzing in.

"What's up y'all boys?" I greeted them while dapping them up as we headed over to the couch.

I just want to block all my problems out for now and playing the game sounds good right about now.

"Y'all want to play me in 2K?" I blurted out.

"Pass me the controller," my friend Dee said while getting the game set up.

"That's what I'm talking 'bout! Let's play."

Kayden decided to bring out the speaker and start playing some music, sounds like it's some old album.

The vibes were right and my mood got a little better.  Lucky for me I won about 2 rounds of the game and decided to pass it on to my other homeboy, Trey. I was just scrolling through Instagram and watching them play for a little while till I saw two new WhatsApp messages pop up in my notifications.

"I miss you, I just finished cooking"

"Are you going to video call me tonight?"

It was Bianca responding to my text from earlier. I quickly replied to her wondering what she made. That was something I loved about her, always cooking, and for someone like me who loves to eat, it was a plus. Cooking was something we both like to do and I just can't wait to be able to do that with her when she comes.

Honestly, growing up in Florida I'm surrounded by Haitians but I didn't have that many friends that are,  hopefully I'll be able to learn more about the culture when she gets here. She is always teaching me about the food and putting me on to the music she likes so I am learning a little something.

We spent the next few hours playing the game, eating snacks, and just jamming to the music. It was getting kind of late now and I wanted to get home so I could talk to my lady.

"I think I'm gonna head out now, I got to be up early tomorrow." I got up to stretch and started to dap up the few of the boys that were still here. Dee had left a little while ago so it was just Trey and Kayden left.

"See you bro, hit me up tomorrow!" Trey said as I walked to the door. I gave him a head nod. Kayden was following behind me walking me out the door.

"Good luck man, remember what we talked about." Kayden reminded me about our conversation earlier and I knew that I had to decide on what to do and I had to do it quick. I gave him a head nod and made my way into my car.

I drove off in my all-black Mercedes Benz blasting some Drake in the car. It didn't take me too long to get home since I only live about 20 minutes away from Kayden's place. With my driving, I made it in 10.

I wanted to shower before I video-called Bianca and be set for the night.

I can't believe tomorrow is the day she will be coming to America. It's been so long since we have been talking and the day is finally here. I hope I get to see her tomorrow, I really want to take her out and make her feel welcome when she comes.

I headed into the shower and got myself together for the night.

As I'm pulling my shorts up, I hear my phone ringing. A smile instantly went on my face knowing it was my baby girl calling. I grab my phone from the charger that was on my nightstand and instantly regret it.


It was her who called me not Bianca.

I really can't deal with her right now so I hit the decline button. I need to talk to Bianca.

I take a deep breath as I hit the button to video chat, here goes nothing...


What's your favorite Haitian dish?

What do you think Christopher is going to do?

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