/\/\Chapter 3 - Anger

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Did he just..... no, no way.. that's totally weird why would a person growl? People don't growl, I've been watching to much True Blood. I can feel his gaze still upon me, I can't help but wonder what he could possibly be looking at. It's probably the short skirt, yep that's definitely it. This uniform, doing exactly what it was made to be doing.

The bus suddenly jerked to a stop, making me lean forward a bit. I stood, but as I did somebody forcefully pushed passed Jimin. This resulted in us standing chest to chest, his chin almost leaning on my head. I felt my cheeks flush red, I tried to look down hoping he wouldn't notice.

He seemed to look away as well, suddenly not so suave huh? My blush deepened as I felt fingers slide between my own, holding on tightly and pulling me through the crowd. We still needed to push and shove through the forest of people who remained standing stationary in the bus. Once we were off he quickly let go of my hand.

I looked around the neighbourhood as we walked, it looked extremely familiar.. then it hit me "wait, you live in this neighbourhood?" I looked at him surprised. He gave me a curious nod with one eyebrow raised "I could practically walk to your house."

As soon as I said that I regretted it, I had no idea he would give me such a sinful stare over that statement. It made me weak in the knees to see the excitement that sparked in his eyes. It was like he planned to walk over every night and seduce me with his terrifying charm.

Then I felt him roughly grab my arm and pull me into a suspicious looking driveway. The fences were only far enough apart for a small car to squeeze through, they were covered in moss and overgrown vines.

"Uh... Jimin" he pulled me along by my wrist. His index finger pressed into my palm, like he wanted to hold my hand again but was too scared to actually follow through with the bold action in such a non-public place. "Where are we going..?" I asked.

My question was quickly answered, but not by Jimin's smooth voice. The fences opened up into a large garden. There were lush green hedges covering up the fence and a circle of roses, pink white and red, in the centre of the, now much larger, driveway. Along the sides of the driveway were several beautiful shades of hydrangeas.

Behind this large garden stood a two-story tall house, it wasn't particularly fancy but it was modern and beautiful nonetheless.

"Woah," I said as my eyes scanned the jaw-dropping scenery. "This is your place?" I looked at him with shock, his eyes already locked onto me again.

He never let go of my wrist, pulling me down the driveway and into the house.

"You could at least hold my hand instead on grabbing my wrist so roughly" I mumbled under my breath.

Once we were inside he paused for a second and let go of my wrist. He looked at me a little surprised "s-sorry.. follow me."

He walked up the stairs and I followed. When we got to the room, he closed the door and locked it after we stepped in, every tiny movement from this boy scares me, and now we're locked in his bedroom.

His bedroom was unbelievably large and far more elegant than mine. There was a king-sized bed in the centre of the room with light grey sheets pulled over the mattress. A fluffy blanket in a darker shade of grey was neatly folded and draped over the bottom of the bed, accent pillows of the same shade were strategically placed in front much larger, white, square pillows. More pillows were behind those still, your average rectangular white pillows.

Behind the bed was a plain white wall with an open doorway on the left side of the bed. Within that doorway I caught a glimpse of the walk-in-wardrobe, far more tidy than what I had going on at home. There was a large window to the left, with a cushioned bench placed in front of it. In the back left corner, there was a cream coloured, woven egg chair. Pressed against the right wall was a huge modern bookshelf and a long white desk beside it.

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