Chapter 6 - The Truth

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We stepped off the bus on a cold Thursday evening. Jimin had given me his jacket and was carrying my bag for me. He always did this when we walked home together, I tried to tell him that I was fine carrying it but every time he insisted. He's too sweet, too perfect, I always feel as though I don't deserve him.

I looked up to see dark grey clouds flooding the sky. No blue or white could be seen, just a miserable dull sea of darkness.

As we walked, his fingers between mine tightly grasping onto my hand tightly, I couldn't help but be terrified that he was taking me back to his house only to tell me some horrible news. Was he sick? Breaking up with me? I had absolutely no clue.

Then it started to rain. The drops were big and heavy. I groaned in annoyance and stepped closer to Jimin as he pulled pulled the jacket up and held it over my head. "Sorry. I forgot an umbrella." He said with a blank expression.

"Oh, no it's ok.. just annoyed that it's raining" I looked at him as we walked "what's going on? Why're you so upset?" We turned the corner into his driveway and he didn't respond to my questions. We walked into his house and he led me upstairs into his room. We were dripping wet and cold.

I stood in the middle of the room, shivering and hugging myself. "Wait here," He said calmly. A few moments after walking out of the room he came back in with no shirt, a towel around his neck and one in his hand. I stared at his well-formed and maintained torso. Every curve and crevice of the left seemed perfectly symmetrical to the right. He was the most perfect person I had ever seen.

He handed the towel to me and I quickly wrapped it around my body for warmth. He opened his closet at pulled out two of his shirts, throwing one to me. I felt my cheeks heat up a bit as I recalled the moment he told me to never wear an oversized shirt that wasn't his. It made me smile.

I was about to get changed before I noticed him unbuckle his belt, his pants dropping to his ankles. My face became hotter as I stared at his flawless figure, the calves, the back muscles, and his thighs on my god his thighs were carved by God himself. He stepped out of his pants and turned his head to look at me, a small halfhearted smile crossed his face.

I turned around and slowly took off my shirt. It was embarrassing, him standing right behind me as I undressed, unnerving. I heard him sigh and the sound of the bed sheets shifting as he sat, that didn't make me feel any better. I hunched my back as I curled inwards in an attempt to cover myself. I tensed and quickly slid the shirt over my body, staying completely still while looking down. My face was burning hot and I was completely humiliated by his reaction.

"Oh no no I didn't mean-" he stuttered and got up, quickly wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me tightly "I wasn't sighing at you." He swayed me slightly, resting his head on my shoulder as his hands ran up and down my sides and my stomach.

"Then why? Why are you so upset?" I looked at him.

"Th-that shirt is cute on you.." he avoided my question.

"Jimin what's going on why did you ask me to come over?" I turned around, placing my hands on his chest and pushing him away a bit as he tried to hug me "you're acting like you're never going to see me again."

"I might not..." he mumbled.

"What?!" I dropped my hands and stepped back "what're you talking about? Stop being subtle and mysterious and just tell me!" I punched his chest.

"Y/n... sit down" he stepped backwards and sat on his bed, spreading his legs a bit with his elbows resting on his knees and his head in his hands.

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