Chapter 5 - Nightmare

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(WArNiNg shmol sexy time moment :)
And yes I see that "sucked on my suck" error. I'm not fixing it it's hilarious, it's supposed to say "sucked on my neck" if you couldn't tell)


Pleasure and heat flooded my body. My mind was numb to his touch. His hips grinded against me roughly and his hands roamed over my entire body. He kneaded my breast and sucked on my suck, the intensity led me to assume he was leaving more dark purple marks in his wake.

He groaned in my ear as he slowly half pulled out before forcefully pushing back inside of me. My long nails scratched his back, leaving long red marks on his perfect skin. I writhed in pleasure underneath him as he kept going and going with no signs of fatigue.

I clenched my jaw and screamed in pleasure through my teeth. I heard him growl again, why does he keep doing that?

"Look at me" I heard him whisper in my ear as he slowed down.

"What?" I asked.

"Looked at me." He repeated.

I followed his head as it slowly raised above me. For a moment his face was in the dark until he looked at me dead on. His head stayed still as I looked back at an empty face. It was blank, no features no expression, complete nothingness. Just smooth skin.

I tried to scream but I didn't, my mouth opened but nothing came out. My hands flew around, I slapped his shoulders and pushed against his chest but he didn't move. Suddenly I could hear my muffled screaming, it slowly became louder and louder until I could hear it completely clearly.

I sat bolt upright, beads of sweat dripping down my forehead. I panted and felt hands on my waist. I quickly pushed them off and jumped out of bed, turning around and feeling tears burn in my eyes.

Could this dream be the result of my fear of Jimin? He always seemed to scare me a bit, I was scared of him getting angry at me. But why? Why would I have a dream like this?

"Hey hey, what's wrong?" I heard him whisper as his brow furrowed.

"I-I had a.. a dream" I panted and slowly got back into bed.

"What happened?" He looked confused and worried.

I sat cross-legged, facing him. I put my hands on his cheeks and ran my thumb over his lips.

"Y/n what's going on..?" He asked.

"Just a dream.." I mumbled and dropped my hands "just a dream" I felt his hands slowly and cautiously creep onto my waist. I quickly jumped on his lap, wrapping my hands around his neck and hugging him tightly.

"What was the dream about?" His arms wrapped tightly around my waist, forcing me closer to him. Our chests pressed against each other.

"Y-you were.. we were.." I felt my cheeks heat up and saw a slight smirk creep onto his face.

"Hmmm?" He hummed in question.

"Y'know that thing.." I avoided eye contact with him.

"Oh? Was I that good?" He chuckled devilishly and I pushed him away slightly. "Wait no, I'm sorry tell me what happened." His grip tightened around me.

"I don't know, why it happened." It made me uneasy to imagine it, his face.

"What? What happened?" He kept pressing.

"Your face it, it" I put my hands back on his cheeks, feeling his soft plump lips again. I forced myself to look at him again, forgetting the blank head I had dreamt of and replacing it with his beautifully perfect face.

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