Chapter 4 - Insecure

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I walked home slowly and calmly, too nervous about people passing by judging me and what they would think if I started to run. I don't know why, but I was suddenly more aware of the world around me, more cautious. I kept having to replace my hair onto my shoulders to cover up the large purple taint on my skin under my jawline.

I was correct in assuming that I lived close by. I arrived home in a matter of minutes by only speed walking. I walked in and went to my room, remaining as calm as I could in an attempt to not draw Andrews attention to me.

It was already late, about 5 pm, how had the time passed by that quickly? I threw my bag down in the corner of the room. I stood in front of my mirror, pushing my hair back and taking a long hard look at the mark he had left. I didn't like it. It looked ugly. It made me look like a slut, and Andrew certainly wouldn't approve of it.

I ran my hand over the hickey, suddenly noticing a mole on my neck. I frowned and trailed my hand over it. I scanned my face in the mirror, noticing tiny flaws. I looked at myself in disgust, the bags under my eyes, chubby cheeks, big nose, big ears, thin upper lip.

I stepped back a bit, unbuttoning my shirt and slowly taking it off. I looked at my figure, from the front I think I looked ok, my hips sank in the middle of my long torso giving me the hourglass look. However, when I turned to the side, I noticed a round stomach protruding. I sucked it in to see what I looked like, before letting out a deep breath, releasing it in sorrow and realisation.

I pinched my love handles and stared at my hips, I ran my hands down to my thighs, slapping one and watching the fat wobble. I quickly turned around, finding it unbearable to look at myself any longer. I slipped off my skirt and put on an oversized t-shirt. I fell into bed with a great sigh.

"Y/N!!" I heard Andrew call for me from downstairs "DINNER!"

I cringed. "I'M NOT HUNGRY!" I yelled in reply, the simple thought of food made me anxious. I grabbed my stomach as it rumbled "shut up shut up" I whispered as I gripped it roughly, my nails digging into my sides creating irritated red crescent moons in my skin.

I felt warm, wet tears fall down my cheeks and across my nose. They soaked into the pillow, I paid no mind and stay entirely still as I wept.

Jimin's POV

I had been waiting 6 hours for my parents to fall asleep and it had only just reached 11 pm. I wonder if she's still awake, even if she's not I don't care if I wake her, I need to see her and fix this. Now. I opened my window and looked out, bricks conveniently stuck out from the wall below, allowing me to climb down, and so I did.

I started running down the street, praying I had gone the right way. I had forgotten to bring my phone during the adrenaline rush hoping that since I knew the address I would know the way. I ran around streets and into no through roads, searching and scanning for the right street and house number.

I had been searching for a nearly half hour until I picked up on something. It stood out like a sore thumb, her scent. I started to pick up a sprint again, running as fast as I could and following the sweet smell. I finally reached it after a straight hour of running and completely ignoring my body telling me to take a break and actually breath, I was heaving heavily as beads of sweat fell down my forehead.

I walked into the driveway, walking around the house until I saw her window. It looked like the most difficult climb ever but I needed to do it. I scaled the wall and opened the window. I tried climbing in and ended up falling, I rolled and hit my head on the leg of the bed.

I groaned as I sat up and rubbed my head, I peaked up over the bed, I saw her shoulders steadily fall and rise. She's a deep sleeper. I stood up and looked at her, I felt a bit creepy honestly. That'd never happened before, but I needed to be there. If I didn't come tonight, then I would have to say something at school on Monday after not seeing her for two whole days. Tonight was my only option.

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