Chapter 9 - Bruise

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~So I think I might have confused some people in the past, but this is 100% the last episode
~There might be an epilogue though, idk how long it'll be

Jimin's POV

"Fuck" I said under my breath. I let out a weird sound, kind of a huff and a chuckle at the same time, with a voice crack thrown in there just to worsen my stress and embarrassment.
"I almost couldn't stop."

The taste of her blood was indescribable. It was so much more than what I imagined it to taste like. Yes I have imagined what her blood tastes like. I might be able to control myself physically, but my thoughts freely crawl from every corner of my imagination.

I knew that she would offer to give my my monthly fix again, and of course I would use all my will power to resist and say no, but everything inside of me would want to say yes. The moment I tore myself away from her soft skin I craved for more.

Lucky for her I've had extensive amounts of experience in controlling my thirst. But there's no point in denying the fact that if I didn't feel the way about her that I do, my lips would still be on her neck, my teeth in her skin, and sucking every last drop of her blood out without hesitation.

She hummed and smiled at me, snapping me out of my unforgivable train of thought. "C-come.. t-to" she tried to pat the bed next to her, but only lifted a few fingers "b-bed"

"Y/n? Are you ok?" I felt my stomach and heart drop. I started to panic after seeing the state of her. All thought of ever touching her precious crimson blood, even with a finger, completely disappeared after seeing what sat before me.

She was deathly pale. All colour had drained from her face. Her beautiful plump, red lips were now drooping down, completely relaxed and without strength to pull a smile. They had lost their alluring pink colour.

"Y/n!" I yelled in panic as her body went limp and she dropped onto the bed.

I grabbed her shoulders and shook her a bit, desperately trying to wake her up. I felt useless, I had no idea what I should do in a situation like this. I felt like an idiot just sitting on the bed, frozen as I stared at her in shock.

I pulled myself out of my uneasy trance, I repositioned her so she was on her back and laying on the bed properly. I stared at her and felt a wave of relief over me as I saw her chest rising and falling, she was breathing.

I tried to calm myself down, grabbing onto her hand tightly. If she didn't wake up in one minute then something was wrong.. seconds felt like hours.

I hadn't noticed that I was holding my breath until a released it, hearing the sweet sound of her voice, even if it was a groan.


"Y/n! Are you ok? What happened? That's a stupid question I know what happened. Are you ok? Does anything hurt? How do you feel? I'm sorry jagi I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I'm never doing that again." I leaned down over her stomach and wrapped my arms around her waist.

He felt her stomach tense in shock for a moment, before she relaxed and I felt her small hands run through my hair as she giggled "I'm fine. It's ok Jimin~" she chimed sweetly. "If you need it again I'm happy to-"

"No." I shot back as I hugged her tighter still.

"Why not?" She mumbled in response.

I leaned my chin on her stomach and looked at her as if to say, seriously?

She hit my head lightly "I only fainted, and I woke up in time right?"

I nodded slowly.

"So I'm fine" she shrugged "just not enough blood supply in my brain, I'm fine. I'm going to help you next time as well."

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