Scenario 1 - Drunk Jimin c:

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What a dreary meeting this is, who even are these people, how did I get dragged into this? Why am I in Korea?

My shot glass is looking real empty, I should fix that.

I reach for the bottle of Soju and as I drag it closer to me... ahhhhh, the sweet aroma of drinking away my problems.

This scenario is not all bad I suppose, at least Jimin is here.

As I look over at him I realise he's rested his soft, squishy face in the crook of my neck. Each breath he breathes onto my neck sends a small shiver up my spine.

"Jimin" I whisper softly while poking his arm, our other two companions too enthralled by their own seemingly hilarious conversation to hear me.

"Are you awake?"

He groaned softly in response, that's a little bit illegal.

"Jimin, are you drunk?"

With minimum effort he gave me a small nod in response.

"Wait a minute, if you're a vampire, and your blood doesn't run, then how are you-"

He pressed a finger against my lips.
"Shhhhh, don't ruin this special moment, in this special extra chapter, by questioning the logic of my existence."

"Extra chapter?-"


His hand dropped back into his lap, and something in the back of my mind told me to stop asking questions on the matter.

"I want to go home... these people are too noisy, they're giving me a headache."

I looked up quickly to see if they had heard what he'd said, but as expected, compadre Number 1 and 2 were both laughing so hard they looked like ripe tomatoes.

I stood up slowly, stumbling a bit under the weight of Jimin half leaning on my shoulder.

"I think we're going to head out, thank you for the meal."

I waited for a response from our two comrades, but they had started playing drinking games and did not seem to care about what me and Jimin may do next.

(The author is definitely not just too lazy to come up with extra characters)

I tripped and fumbled my way through crowded tables and out onto the surprisingly empty street outside, the brisk winter night air hitting my warm cheeks, what a drastic change of environment.

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