Story Time

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Now your probably wondering why Reth is acting like a dumb kid on crack. Well it explains it in this chapter, I told you not to jump to conclusions!!! By he way, the next part is in third person soooooo.

At some point, I must've fell asleep against that wall, in the same position. Yet when I awoke, I had a small blanket covering me. Was it Reth? I felt my cheeks heat up, he saw me in such an embarrassing position.

My shoulders slump gradually, Reth chose another woman.

I climb out of the bed, walking towards the door. I need to confront him, even if it kills me. I walk to his door, before knocking on it. He opened the door slowly, and he looks rough. He has bags under his eyes, his hair is ruffled almost like he ran his fingers through it several times. It made me want to fix it.

He is wearing pajama bottoms, but no shirt showing his very detailed chest. Looking away awkwardly trying to figure out what to say.

"Um...can we talk?" I shift on my feet.

"y-yea...come in." he opened the door wider motioning me in.

Yep, this is defiantly a guys room, posters of cars and girls all over the walls. Can't forget that he's a man, after all.

"Look...I know things have been rough. I might of lost sight of what was good and bad along the way. I hurt innocent people, and I know that a simple apology will not make it better. But I'm glad I met you." I start, I lean against the door, not trusting my legs.

"You know, I was really unhappy before I met you. My mother and father were never there for me, only my friends, and half the time they weren't either. I felt unloved and a just a mistake, so I was going to end it all." his body tensed, I knew he was listening intently.

"But I found a little dog, one that was all alone. Just as I was. He had no one to care for him, and I had no one to care for me. I felt like we shared a connection, and soon I found a reason to live. Even just for a little while."

I swallow the lump in my throat, willing myself to continue. "When I found out that my little savior was human, imagine my surprise. At first I was like,"oh fuck no!" but I felt maybe, this was a gift from god."

I laugh bitterly,"I fell in love, with the man of my dreams. He made me feel...wanted. He made me feel loved, I felt like it was a dream. But even dreams end, once you wake up, sadly I had to be kidnaped to wake up."

"I was tortured and violated, I was told things like it was my lovers fault! I didn't want to believe it, I knew he'd come for me. But as the days grew longer, and the nights got colder I gave up hope. I didn't wait for my prince, I broke myself out of my personal hell."

"I tried to stay away, I really did. but it was hard. So I came back, only to be locked away again. But this time I didn't mind. I thought I could fix things, make it better. But alas, my beloved was so far from my grasp. He shines with a bright light, while I lay helplessly in the darkness."

"He tried to share the light, but I didn't want it!" I let a few tears escaped,"soon he was to far from my reach, but he kept trying to save me."

"I blocked the pain, and I let you go. Im glad you found another person to make you happy. Someone who is also in the light. What I'm getting at is, I want you to be with whoever makes you happiest, even if I'm damned to hell along the way."

I smiled a bittersweet smile, his body was a tense as a rock. Yet his eyes are soft, they hold tenderness.


He stood there listening to her story, yet he couldn't quite grasp it. He didn't know that she felt this way, he wanted her to understand that she was the only one for him!

Lisa, the 'other woman' was a rouge, the rule is to kill all rouges that cross this land. But she was just a small girl, it wouldn't feel right to hurt her. Of course she had no where to go, so he allowed her to stay in this pact. He gave her a job as his assistant, and she did fairly well.

Until she grew feelings for him, and when he tried to explain his position, she wouldn't give up. He felt bad when she saw them embracing, she was like a little sister to him. Naturally he acted before thinking, and ran after her.

He didn't mean to cause Layla such pain. He didn't know she carried such a burden. He made up his mind then and there, he would never let her be alone again!




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