Prisoner of Love

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I expected to be locked up, in a dark cell even, but I awoke on a soft comfy bed but my arms were bandaged and tied to the frame. I'm going to get him back, oh yes revenge is sweet! Mwahaha! Struggling against the restraints while plotting revenge must of made a lot of noise because the door opened and in walks a cocky Reth.

Baring my teeth I continue to struggle.

"You won't be able to get free." He states simply.

"Bite me." I snap continuing my pointless battle.

"If you want." he smirks walking over.

Straddling my hips he licks my neck, what I forgot to mention is when my witch powers unlocked my marks vanished as well. Meaning Damien's and Reth's 'love bites'. Nibbling at my skin in a heated way made my body twitch with need.

"Stop." I flush.

"Do you always tell people to stop when they do something you like?"

Cocky bastard

But sexy though

Trailing his hands down my waist he nibbles on every inch of my neck. He reaches the end of my silky white dress and traces unknown patterns on my inner thighs. My body starts to heat up, involuntarily I might add, seeming satisfied with his results he pulls away. Taking in the effect he has on me, moving around to get out of the restraint while panting softly.

It's like I need him to touch me, to please me. But he's not the only one who can cause this desirable feeling. Bringing my knee up I hit his obviously huge bulge, grunting in the process.

"Don't do that kitten." he growls.

" I'm more like a lion."

"Bad kitties don't get unshackled."

Damn him and his advantages

I like being tied up


"I'll be good master, you can untie me." I beg with a small voice.

My modo always was, if you can beat em, suduce them.

He just raises his eyebrow smiling softly.

"Sick bastard."

"I'll untie you if swallow this pill." holding up a small white pill.

"Birth control?" His eyes darken, "just kidding what is it."

"It stops you powers." he states simply.

"No way in hell."

"Fine stay tied up, I like you in this defenseless position, reminds me of when we first meet."

"I've changed."

He frowns slightly, "I know, I miss old Layla."

"You killed her." Pressing my mouth into a thin line.

He glares slamming the pill down next to my hands, "Be locked up, or walk around like a human?"

Glaring at his back as he walks away, he doesn't understand.

"I don't want to feel weak." It comes out dainty, but he hears.

I don't want to feel weak in front of anyone, but I'll make an exception for him. There was a part of me that still loved him.

Turning his eyes soften slightly, "Layla's not dead."

"Where is she?"

"Scared and locked up, but I swear I'll find the key."

"Got it all figured out don't ya big boy?"

He just smirks before walking out, leaving me with a warm feeling in my heart. But stubbornness is one of my traits, I won't go down with out a fight.

Sorry for the wait but you know, I'm lazy. not sure if you like it so comment what you want differently and I'll change the best I can. But hope you liked it so you know




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