Quiet in the Library

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Walking to the library I'm suddenly yanked up by my waist and placed behind a body. A stupid body.

"Where do you think your going with my mate?" he growls.

"Sorry alpha I was just--"

"Showing me were the library is! Is that a crime now?" I covered for Alex.

"You shouldn't be near her, I thought I made that clear."

"Why do you even care what I do, you have Lisa!?"

I didn't intend to give away my true colors, but it slipped. I snap my mouth shut, not giving away anymore information.

"Leave" at first I thought he was just talking to Alex, but then he turned to the entire library people who where listening intently to the conversation.

"Get out all of you!" He snaps on edge.

They a rush out like cowards, I hoped at least someone would stay and note my honorable death. Because I could tell he was gonna rip me a new one.

"I can't believe you even considered that I might...have feelings for another woman!"

"It wasn't hard to picture, considering you ran after her." Towards the end of my sentence it dulled down to a whisper.

"What are you--look I can explain, I wouldn't consider her anything other than a friend. She was a rouge when I found her, I would have killed her because it was my job as the alpha to do. But I'm not cold hearted enough to kill an innocent girl, I gave her a job and nothing more. She isn't anything, you're the only one I love!"

He sounded so sincere I found myself believing every word, he lightly grabs my face pulling me closer. Leaning into his touch his lips graze mine, "I love you too."

This time it was I who said those cursed words, I hated that I let it happen. But I was glad when he connected our lips, desperate to drink everything up. He is like my own personal obsession, a gift I have yet to unwrap.

Fire surges as he stokes my tongue with is own, deepening the kiss when he grips my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck crushing him flush into me. We fit together like clockwork, to fucked up puzzle pieces jammed together. But we made it work, he made it right.

We pull away for a breath, foreheads colliding. Staring intently at each other's eyes, studying, memorizing. It was a perfect moment until I knock on the door interrupts our special moment. Were always getting interrupted now of days.

"Are you love birds done making out? Cuz I need to get a book." Someone pokes their head through the door.

Reth smirks I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly, guess we forgot to stay quiet in the library.

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