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Mark has done some pretty sketchy things in his life. He's dealt drugs, stolen, had someone killed, killed someone, and still, this feels sketchy. He can tell Jaebum is thinking the same thing, standing stoic as always, Jackson on one side and Yugyeom on the other.

Mark isn't scared of anything happening, has no real reason to be. It's just Peniel. And Jackson is more than capable of taking care of anything that gets physical, especially with Yugyeom on his side. Plus there's his gun, safely stowed in his coat pocket. But Peniel has been quiet since they made the deal.

So, when Peniel's car pulls up—in the middle of the night, naturally—and Peniel hops out, looking like a thug—gold chain around his neck, loose pants and a baggy shirt, the usual— with a cigarette between his teeth and offers Mark no more than a small nod; Mark begins to question the situation.

His doubt doubles when Peniel pulls a person out of the back seat and they person is wearing a black plastic bag over their head, small holes poked into so they can breathe. Their hands are tied behind their back, fingers bloody and broken.

"Thanks Mark, really helping me out" Peniel starts to take him up the stares but Jaebum sticks out his arm, halting him.

"How is he supposed to eat like that? Do expect us to hand feed him? You didn't mention that," Jaebum stares down the steps at Peniel, face blank. "This was supposed to be simple"

Peniel opens his mouth to explain but Jaebum holds up his hand, silencing him.

"Simple. You drop him off, we put him in a room for a week, you pick him up, we get paid and he's safe, so what changed, and why wasn't I told?"

"Nothing's changed, except the 'lock him in a room for week' part. He'll need to be fed now, but other than that, nothings changed, I'll still need him back in a week" Peniel means to sound reassuring, but Jaebum doesn't like change, especially sudden change. Seeing that he is likely to get rejected by Jaebum he turns to Mark, who is giving him a similar look. "It isn't a problem, he only needs to eat once a day, maybe"

Jaebum takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he stares off into the trees. Maybe its supposed to be a threat. Jaebum has a silent, but effective, way of threatening people. More implications than actual threats. Because they could bury Peniel in the woods, just outside of their house and who would know? Who would care? No one they couldn't bury right along side him.

"I'll pay extra if that's the issue" Peniel adds, he had figured he would have to, he just hoped he wouldn't so he didn't bring it up. Until his life was threatened, of course.

Jaebum takes a step down, reaching up and pulling the cigarette away from Peniel's lips, dropping it and stamping it out.

"We don't smoke in my house" Jaebum offers an almost friendly smile, turning and gesturing for Peniel to follow. He does, closely followed by Jackson and Yugyeom, Mark trailing behind.

Jinyoung is in his room, looking out the window and watching them disappear into the house. He probably should've been asleep, but he couldn't sleep. He can never sleep when they have a job going on.

Jaebum takes him down to the sub-basement opening the door, and allowing Peniel inside. Its certainly cleaner in here than when Jaebum last saw it, he was happy for that, except there are stains on the couch. He sighs, running his hand across the discolored suede. What does it matter.

Peniel helps the man settle onto the couch, he unties his hands, letting the man gently bring them around front, he makes no move to uncover his head, not that he would have any hope of doing so. Peniel slowly takes the tape from around his neck, freeing the plastic bag. Mark almost gasps in shock when he sees who it is, stopping himself just before the sound escapes him.

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