Chapter 6

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We arrived at the signing venue in Indiana, USA. I was nervous, mostly because I didn't like crowds, and also because of this lovely outfit the boys had picked out for me. Paul met us there to escort us off of the bus and into the venue.

The amount of screaming girls was unbelievable. I was beginning to hyperventilate when I felt Niall grab onto my arm. I knew that Niall was afraid of crowds too, so I held his arm too, to comfort him. He looked down and smiled at me and we followed Paul and the rest of the boys.

The venue was set up inside a mall food court, and I saw Niall's eyes light up when he saw that. We were being led behind the signing table when Harry grabbed me away from Niall and sat me on his lap. I felt bad, but I knew how I could cheer him up.

"Hey Nialler?" I said sweetly.

"Yeah, babe?"

"Want me to go get you some food?" I winked. A smile crept across his face.

"Yes please," he said cutely. He kissed my hand and laughed as I left to get food.

I looked down as I made my way through tons of girls over to the line for A&W. As I was standing in line, two girls came up to me.

"I'm really sorry to bother you," one girl started. "But, are you Alyssa? The girl from Liam's twitcam?" I smiled like an idiot that people actually recognized me.

"Yep, that's me. So what are your names?" I asked curiously.

"I'm Cassie," the one girl smiled. "I'm 18, and I just love the boys. Especially Liam," she blushed.

"And I'm Holly. I'm 16 and the future Mrs. Malik yo," she laughed.

"Very pretty names, do you girls have wristbands for the signing?" I asked.

"Sadly, no," Holly frowned.

"We were just hoping to catch glimpses of the boys," Cassie sighed.

I grabbed Niall's food off the counter, paid for it and motioned for the girls to follow me. We weaved through girls and they followed me into a back room.

"Wait right here," I said as I ran out to the signing table. I walked up behind Niall and held the bag of food in front of his face. His face lit up.

"Mmm, you're my favourite!" he smiled.

"I know, I'm great," I winked. "When does the signing actually start?"

"Ehm, about 20 minutes or so," Niall answered.

I ran to each boy and whispered for them to quietly follow me, and they did. I led them to the back room where Cassie and Holly were facing away from us. I whispered in Zayn and Liam's ears and they nodded. Zayn snuck up behind Holly and covered her eyes, and Liam did the same to Cassie.

"Guess who!" I shrieked.

The girls turned around and were shocked. They leaped off the couch and into the boys' arms.

"Oh my god! I can't believe this is happening. I love you all!" Cassie exclaimed.

"Thank you, guys. Oh my gosh my life is complete!" yelled Holly.

We all sat around and visited, took pictures and laughed until the boys had to do the signing. The girls were thrilled when Liam and Zayn asked for their numbers, I was so excited for them.

After the signing, the other boys went ahead to get on the bus, leaving Nialler and I still in the back room.

"Oh, shit!" I exclaimed. "I can't find my phone!"

Niall laughed and held up my white iPhone.

"Relax, babe. I've got it," he smirked. "I was just... Exploring on it," he giggled.

My eyes shot daggers at him.

"Niall James, what were you looking at?" I glared at him.

"Oh nothing," he smiled. "Just your pictures, your apps, your Facebook and twitter," he explained.

"MY FANGIRLING TWITTER! Oh Jesus kill me now," I sighed.

"I also see that you and I are married on this.. Date 1D app?"

I leaned against the wall and buried my face in my hands.

"Yes, Niall. Yes we are."

"That's cute," he winked as he walked over towards me. He put his hands on the wall on either side of me.

"Well hello there Nialler!" I giggled like a school girl and was blushing like mad.

"Aw, look at those rosy cheeks," he said as he kissed my cheek.

He kept kissing my face, inching closer and closer towards my lips. Until suddenly I felt these sparks... This burst of energy as our lips collided. I put my hands in his hair as he wrapped his arms around my waist. Our mouths moved together as I inhaled the smell of his sweet breath. Okay, so maybe Niall did like me a little.

After a few intense moments we realized we had to go catch up with the boys. He gave my neck a bit of love leaving a slight reddish mark. Hopefully the boys wouldn't notice.

I plopped myself beside Louis on his bottom bunk bed.

"Hey, babe," he smiled.

"Hi, Lou," I smiled back. "While the boys are playing video games out there, can I talk to you?"

"Well you're talking to me now aren't you?" he winked. I punched him in the arm.

"I mean like, a deep talk. A heart to heart, an 'I need your advice now, Tomlinson' talk," I explained. He laughed.

"I see. Well we better get comfortable then," he said as he got under the blankets in his bed and pulled me under as well. He propped himself up on his elbow and turned my way. "Now what seems to be the problem, sweet heart."

"I'm just so confused right now. I've been in love with Niall since X factor. I meet him, and realize I have real feelings for him. But, I didn't feel like the feelings were mutual, I didn't think he liked me. Then, I end up kissing Hazza. It was amazing, it felt so right. The kiss makes me start to have feelings for Harry. And then, like 20 minutes ago when Nialler and I were alone, we got all cute and flirty. Next thing, we were against a wall, hardcore making out," I huffed.

"Ohhh dear," Louis exhaled. "So now you don't know which one you like?"

"Noooo," I whined. "I like them both!" I sighed and face planted into the pillow. Louis pulled me against himself to comfort me.

"Okay, well, I know that Niall and Harry both like you."

"Oh really?" I said sarcastically. "Thank you, Doctor Tomlinson."

"I'm sorry. I don't know, just spend time with both of them. You'll find out soon enough who you like," he smiled.

"Thanks, Lou," I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Anytime, babe. I'm always here for you," he said squeezing my hand.

Later on when we were all getting ready for bed, each of the boys were in their beds and I was changing in the bathroom. Immediately when I walked out, Harry and Niall sat up in bed.

"Who are you sleeping with tonight? Me?" Niall asked.

"Or me!" Harry exclaimed.

"Actually, I'm sleeping with Louis," I winked and jumped in bed with Louis. Niall and Harry both did a very exaggerated sigh.

"Oh shush, drama queens!" Louis laughed.

"Okay, but we're watching you two!" Harry called to us.

"Yeah, yeah. Goodnight boys," I said.

"Goodnight," they replied.

I rested my head on Louis' shoulder and slowly drifted to sleep.

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