Chapter 1

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR LYSSA! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" My 9 year old sister Kelsey yelled in my face. I groaned and hid under my blankets.


"Okay, okay! Stop yelling please!" I kissed her forehead and threw on a tank top and sweats. I checked the clock and winced. It was 7:35 am an I was awake. It was July 18, my sixteenth birthday. My mom Lori was sitting at the kitchen table with a huge smile on her face.

"Happy birthday, baby," she smiled.

"Open your present!!!" Kelsey exclaimed.

"Alright!" I sat at the table and picked up the envelope. The only thing inside was a picture of the boys. By the boys I mean One Direction, the most amazing band ever. I sat there with a puzzled look on my face. My mom grinned and turned on the radio.

"Hey hey directioners, I am about to blow your mind. Today, at 1:00, One Direction will be at the Bayshore shopping center for a meet and greet for directioners with wristbands!" the radio man announced. My mom turned off the radio, and held her hand out. In it was... A wristband.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Are you serious right now?!" I said between sobs. I ran and did a group hug with my mom and sister. "I love you both so much. I'm the happiest person ever. Oh my God."

"We love you too!" they yelled.

"Now go get ready! You're going to meet THE FREAKIN' BOYS!" Kelsey squealed. I bolted up the stairs stripping my clothes off, and jumped in the shower. Hmm, what to wear?! I need to dress to impress, I thought. I grabbed a cute pair of high waisted denim shorts, and a tiedie belly shirt. Then, I decided to change my bellybutton ring to one with a 1D logo on it. I blew dry, and straightened my light blonde hair that reaches past my boobs. I put on dangly feather earrings and a matching necklace. It's too quiet in my room, I thought. I plugged my iPhone into my docking station and put on my 1D playlist. The first chords of I Want came on and I started applying my makeup while shouting the lyrics. I applied my foundation, my eyeliner on the top of my eyelids, and then my mascara. I checked the time, 12:15. Holy crap, I take forever, I whispered. I brushed my teeth, looked over myself in the mirror, and put on some lipgloss. I grabbed my iPhone and my aviator sunglasses and skipped downstairs, humming Stand Up.

"You look stunning, Lyss," Kelsey smiled.

"Aww, thank you, Moo," I said giving her a hug. Her nickname is Moo because her favourite animal is a cow.

"Ready to go?" Mom asked as she grabbed her keys. I slipped on my gladiator sandals and jumped into our SUV.

"Definitely!" I squealed. As we pulled out of the driveway, What Makes You Beautiful came on the radio. My mom cranked it and we all sang along as we drove to the shopping center.

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