Chapter 8

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"Do you really think she'll be excited?" a high pitched, British, female voice said.

"Definitely!" Louis said. "I'll get Niall to wake her."

I felt a body snuggle up beside me and felt lips on my forehead. And then my nose. And then my lips. I opened my eyes and looked into those beautiful blue eyes.

"Good morning, princess," he smiled.

I stretched and replied, "Good morning, Nialler," and pecked him on the lips.

"Hurry up, Lyss! I have a surprise!" Louis yelled impatiently.

"Coming!" I shouted and ran out to the living room area. Louis was standing in front of someone, blocking them.

"You know when you were bawling yesterday for no reason, and said that sometimes you wished for female company? Your wish is my command," Louis said as he stepped aside.

When he moved, a beautiful, elegant girl was revealed. She was naturally beautiful, with brown hair and a flawless body. I recognized her right away.

"Lyss!" She squealed and tackled me.

"Eleanor!" I shrieked with excitement. "It's so amazing to meet you!"

"Likewise, love!" she said in her cheery voice. "I'm coming to the beach house with you and staying on tour!" she beamed.

My mouth gaped open, this was going to be so incredibly fun.

I grabbed her hands and we both began to jump in place and shout yay! We both paused, and saw the boys all staring at us with their mouths wide open.

"Ugh, hello, it's called female bonding," El replied dramatically. "We're going to be best friends, Lyss!"

It was going to be so nice to finally have some female company.

"...And then we'll go shopping, and go dancing and go to the cinema and go.."

"Shh, El, breathe!" I groaned.

"Right... Sorry love!" she smiled apologetically.

"You see, she's a bit moody because..." Niall began.

"Niall, I'm a woman. I can sense she's on her period," Eleanor explained.

The boys stared at her in shock.

"You're a psychic?! You never told me!" Louis exclaimed.

"Oh, Lou. We all have our secrets," El winked.

"Oh that sounded sexual El.." Harry grinned.

Suddenly, I got the feeling of a thousand knives stabbing into my pelvis. I fell to the floor, clutching myself and crying.

"Lyss, are you okay?!" Niall worried.

"Do you need a doctor?!" Harry yelled over the commotion.

"El, can you, I need some..." I couldn't finish my sentence but Eleanor knew what I needed. She rushed back to me, put a Midol pill in my mouth, and held a water bottle to my lips.

I swallowed a gulp of water, and the huge tablet went down rough. Niall's face lit up, and he sat behind me. He put his arms around my waist and gently started rubbing my lower waist to soothe me, just like he had at the meet and greet.

I leaned back against his chest and breathed deeply, squeezing my eyes shut to stop the tears.

"That was a bit dramatic, was it not?" Harry laughed. I watched Eleanor as she stood right in front of Harry.

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