Chapter 2

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I had no idea where we heading off to, but Jason was in a good mood, so this had to be a good place. I thought it was going to be an order to head out. What a bummer. Jason was the only one who didn’t care skin tones or origins, which put me at ease. I knew he was a righteous man who had virtues. I was glad that his mind wasn’t clouded by his uniform.

He led me to the very ship I showed him. Standing next to his plane was a young Hispanic looking man, who wore the biggest grin I’ve ever seen. They saluted to each other then hugged.

“I knew you’d come.” Jason told his friend.

“Well, it took a lot of persuasion from Piper.” The man said.

Jason smirked. “Remind me to thank her later.”

“Yeah, yeah.” He said, before looking at me. It wasn’t exactly a friendly glance, but it didn’t seem menacing. It was the same stares I got from the Mexican American inhabitants when I passed by. I tried my best to smile at him. Jason held his hand out towards me and smiled softly.

“Leo, this is Percy. He showed me around the base. He’s a good man.” Leo’s glance softened a bit, but remained almost the same. I could tell he really hated SP men. I didn’t blame him either. I really wanted him to not hate me. Making enemies was my specialty. For once, I wanted to prove that I was friend worthy and not a threat.

“Pleasure.” Leo said, holding out his hand.

“Likewise.” I replied, shaking his hand.

“So,” Jason headed towards his plane, “how’s California for you, Leo? Are you and your mother situated yet?”

Leo watched as Jason mounted his plane. “It’s…okay. Nothing’s really different here.” He said bitterly. “Although, my mom is bit more relaxed.”

Jason tried to his frown, but was failing. “Ah, I see. It’ll get better.” He promised. I could tell he was sorry for bringing it up. He tapped something before climbing out of his plane. “I see you fixed the control stick. It’s easier to move around.”

Leo snorted. “Of course I did. I can’t have it jamming in the middle of battle.”

Jason pressed his lips together.  He didn’t like the idea of battle or war or fighting. Ironically enough, he was a high ranking air force man. At his rank, he would be flying and shooting down planes with ease. He crossed his arms and sighed. “If we go to battle…” He admitted.

Leo sighed a shaky sigh. “R-Right…”

I watched the two of them stare at the aircraft in front of them. It was like staring at death they couldn’t escape. They were destined to fight, kill, and possibly die. It made me a little relived that I didn’t have to face the same predicament. The atmosphere felt so depressive that I cleared my throat. It took their attention from the plane, which eased the tension.

“Ah!” Jason said, tapping his friend’s arm. “But until then, we’ll just keep doing what we do.”

Leo didn’t meet his eyes. “Yeah…”

Jason cleared his throat. “Say, Percy, why don’t you join us at my apartment? I'm having a housewarming party. You should come.” Leo didn’t exactly like that idea, so he ignored what his friend said.  Jason nudged Leo’s arm.

Leo rubbed his arm and glared at Jason. “Uh- yeah. Come and all that…”

I held my hand up to refused, but Jason walked towards me and put his arm around my shoulders. “No, really. I don’t want to impose-“

Jason laughed. “I’m the one inviting you. Just say ‘yes.’”

Reluctantly, I accepted his invitation and he grinned.

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