Chapter 8

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Hello kittens! It's been awhile since I've updated this story. If you haven't seen yet I updated Sweltering Summer Nights, so with that I'll let you read this chapter. I hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to review for me!


I'm still attached to my worst nightmare, and no one is helping me escape from his grasp. In fact, we're sitting on a plush seated booth with his band mates across from us. They were having a common conversation even though I'm being held captive!

"So, you must be pretty special." One of the demon's members said to me, "This is the first time I've ever seen him in that collar."

"Me too." The other one said in agreement.

"Oh?" I join the conversation after eternity of silence, "Is that right?"

"Yes. You've caught yourself a player."

"A player did I?" My voice turns into a teasing purr as I try to humiliate the one beside me.

"Ciel, it's not like that at all.." He tried to cover his tracks calmly like the prick he is, but by this point all efforts are futile.

"Stop trying to cover up your damage. It's too late." He sighs for my response, and triumphantly I smile. "Now, how many people do you think have slept with him?" I asked.

"Oh, the number is too high."


"Travis, knock it off." Sebastian growled, "He already hates me as is. I don't need you, or you Jade," he suddenly decided to add the other band boy to the mix, "to make this any worse for me."

"You already damned yourself by fucking me in the first place Sebastian." Finally, I have the upper hand now, and so I decide to make him suffer for as long as I could, "But I'd rather save them from the details." I stare at both of them before I notice that their putting on their notorious eye make up on. "So, how do you know the number's too high?" The one named Travis sets his liquid eye liner down and he now focuses on no one but me.

"Oh, everyone knows about the demon." He smirks and Jade nods at me to back his story up. "Yes, it surprises me why he doesn't have a disease. He's on both teams you know."

"No, as a matter of fact that information was never received to me." I got him now, I got him now! Now it's time for the demon to feel the wrath of the Phantomhive! "But why does this" I tug on the damned chain beside me, "surprise you?" Jade, a slim, ivory skinned, and black haired 22 year old decided to explain this story to me.

"He never fucks on the bus." He started the story and Travis took his role in nodding, "Everyone else has fucked here except him."

"Everyone?" I said.

"Yeah. Claude with Alois, Me and Travis..." The rest of the pairings he listed went to deaf ears when I heard Jade say he fucked Travis. No way...this can't be real...

"You two were lovers?" I asked them and doubted their own words.

"Yeah." Travis replied as if it were only natural, "We still are." They smiled sweetly at that.

"You seriously didn't know that?" The prick said, "I thought you were our number one fan. I thought you knew everything about us."

"I know! But I never knew about this!" My brain had shut off by this point and I now on nerd mode, "I've read all the magazines you've been in...seen all your interviews! I keep your news articles in a scrap book and study it every day like it was a Bible! But this...this is just unbelievable! My OTP is finally a reality! I swear ever since you guys played your duet on that bonus album I knew you two were to be! And now it's finally happening!"

" really are too adorable for words." My fan boy bubble was popped by the sound of his voice.

"Shut up demon!" I hissed, "You're ruining my happiness!"

"You do know you're only turning me on even more." He started to purr towards me.

"I said the fuck shut up!"

"No, you told me to just shut up."

"Like hell it matters!"

"Bump." Travis and Jade said in complete unison.

"Bump...?" The word was thrown randomly into this conversation that I found myself needing an explanation. Within a few seconds I got my answer. I guess that being on tour as long as they have you learn the troublesome parts of the roads. That is exactly what happened at this moment. Like they had foretold a bump came across our bus's path, the force of the impact was so grand that I was lifted from my seat and moved to the direction of my enemy. Right into his lap if you wanted me to be exact...

"So you do want more of me." He smiled and ran his hand up my body, "You ready for round two?"

"I'm ready to get this thing off of me and stay the hell away from you!" I shouted back and removed myself from his lap, "There has to be someway to get this damn thing off of me!" A new goal was set in my mind, be freed and released from the presence of a monster.

"There is."

"Well?" l I said impatiently and tried to find a latch, loop, buckle, anything I could.

"You have to unlock yourself from the key." He told me.

"And let me guess, you have the key?" I already knew the answer, so why do I need to ask?


"Is there any possibility of getting me out early?" I batted my eye lashes and smiled at him as gentle as I could.

"It's a band tradition to keep these on." The demon explained, " And even if it wasn't there's no way in hell I'll let you go now."

"Why not?" I began to whine.

"Because you're acting like a diva, Ingirisu." I could feel my blood boiling to the point of it evaporating. How dare he call me that... I'll show him, I'll show everyone! Ciel Phantomhive is not to be made a fool out of.

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