Chapter 7

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Hello there! I know it's been a really really...really long time since my last update, but I had to work, very few days off... Sorry. But I do have a new chapter for you guys! Please enjoy!


I had endured a bit of pain when he bit my tongue before our faces parted, and even after that I pinched myself and felt pain. So it really was real... I am trapped as his sex slave...

I know I'm his "lover" but let's be honest with ourselves. I'm hot, he's hot, he's famous, and I'm slowing becoming. Let's face it, my ass is going to be changed by the end of this tour... I can already sense it. Everyone has taken their eyes off of us, so now I guess I'll start looking at the vehicle more thoroughly. I have discovered that this place has two floors which is quite a relief to me. The upper floor, which I am currently in right now has a small couch, which is currently occupied at the moment, a dark red curtain that separates us from the driver. There is also a small bathroom, and last but not least...there is that room that started this whole mess.

"Shall we go downstairs?" I heard him ask me and I don't respond to him. He shrugs his shoulders, but then proceeds to walk towards a trap door located next to the occupied couch. When I witness the demon opening the hatch, my ears respond with the immediate sound of chatter.

"Come on, let's go...oh, but after you."

"And why should I go first?" I asked him with a glare.

"Because you're a bottom." He said, "So technically you're a woman."

"I am not a women!"

"I am well aware of that." He snickered towards me. "It's because if I go first I'll jump down, and it's a seven foot drop. It would be such a terrible thing to have your skull split on our first day as lovers."

"Sounds more like a miracle to me." I muttered to myself but I could tell he heard my words. "Then why don't you remove these collars and go jump off a cliff?"

"Ciel, you know I can't do that." He smiles at me and I can feel by body being sickened all the more. "Wearing these all day is a rule we've had for the longest of times."

"Rules are created to be broken." Despite my inner thoughts screaming to abandon my plan, I decide that the only way to get what I want is to try and seduce my way out. "Just this once..." I move until our bodies touch and my head touched his neck. My hands shamelessly move their way up his clothed chest in attempts to free myself from this demon. "Sebastian." I moaned his name over and over again, and I feel as if I had won this when I felt his hands wrap around me.

"Yeah.." He moves his body until I am placed onto his lap. But like all good things, they must come to a horrible end. The entire acting on his part was a set up. How do I know this you might ask? Well, I'll just have you know that when Sebastian placed me in his lap, his legs were already dangling off the trap door and he slid us both down the 7 floor jump.

When we reach the floor my heart could be heard pounding against my chest, my skin turned paler then it normally is, and my black nails clung to his black shirt.

"D-damn you!" I jump out of his arms and tremble at the sensation I was forced to endure. I hate him, I hate him so fucking much!

"Hey, at least we're down here." He said simply and shrugged his shoulder, "And besides," he was now bent over and whispering in my ear, "I knew what you were doing the entire time. So if you ever try that again I'll drag you down here and fuck you as hard as I want."

"You bastard!" I spat.

"I didn't even get to the best part yet." I could feel his lips turn into a smirk, "I'll make sure that everyone gets to see our little randevú. Wouldn't that be nice?" His hands wrapped around my waist and I gasped; desperately trying to break myself from here.

"You wouldn't!"

"I most certainly would." His response was triumphant and my blood really began to boil. "I'm certain that everyone would love to watch our little show. You're so adorable when you're fucked."

"Burn in hell!" I yelled and gave the asshole a well deserved punch in his chest.

"Only if you accompany me." He purred, he was completely unaffected by my punch.

"Hey, Sebastian. You done fighting with your lover? I wanna talk to you." The sound came from one if the corners, and I believe it came from one of his band. He spoke no word to me, but instead he proceeded to walk in the direction of the sound.

I don't know how I'm going to make it through this tour...


And I don't know how I'm going to make it through two stories and a job... hey guys, i've been getting a lot of reviews asking when I'll update Sweltering Summer Nights. My answer is I don't know. I honestly don't know, i'm not quitting the story, I'll tell you that much, but I don't know when my update will be. All I can say is check your emails for more info (if you're following the story).

also, I know that chapter was short, but I hope that was enough to keep you guys until the next time I update. take care my wonderful darlings, and don't forget to review! :)

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