Ayako's Thoughts

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Ayako was probably the only one not really fond of the whole trip, really. The car was a dusty old van, the windows held the reputation of a careless driver and the floor could really use a vaccuming, it had dirt and plant debris everywhere. Honestly, how wasn't anyone else not bothered by it? Not to mention the scorching heat, they were in a car, speeding down the road in the middle of nowhere yet the sun still managed to beam down with intense heat.

She survayed the dirty floor for her hand-bag, she quickly retrieved it and started rummaging through it for a pair of sunglasses, she had been told in recent years that Australia was a sunny place, even in winter. After a few moments she'd located the sunglasses and put them on. "Much better." She mused to herself. Happy with the effect.

"Well that isn't very attractive Miss Matsuzaki." She heard Masako's voice blur into her relaxation, she merely rolled her eyes, allowing the sunglasses to slide down the bridge of her nose just enough so she could peer over the top and glare at the young Japanese medium. 
"If I cared I wouldn't have worn them to begin with. So, thanks for the imput. But I won't be taking fashion advice from someone who dresses like their still in the Edo period." She teased, chuckling quietly at her comment.

"Why thankyou Miss Matsuzaki. I found the fashion of the Edo period to be very vibrant and decent." She stated, Ayako bit her bottom lip in frustration, why'd this bowl cut idiot have to be so flat about everything? Ayako would constantly ask herself questions about the people she aquired as friends.

Why was Naru such a stick in the mud? 

Why was Lin so quiet? But yet so hot.

Why does John dress like some country-boy?

Why was Mei so annoying?

Why was Monk always teasing her? 

But yet... Something about them, all of them... Made her happy, they'd been through so much together and although it hadn't been much time. It felt like forever, she really couldn't deny it, although they all annoyed her to some degree... She couldn't live without, not now that she knew them.

Ayako caught herself smiling softly, she quickly shook herself out of it and released a long sigh, she looked up for a moment, taking in the details of Cody. He did look a lot like John, only older. He had some facial hair and the same blonde hair and blue eyes. 

If she hadn't known Cody was John's brother, she'd swear he just looked like an older John... Or a more manly version of John. When she'd first met John she'd thought him to be 12 years old. She couldn't help but laugh at the 19 year old's youthful appearance.

(Hours Into The Trip)

Cody swung a hand into the air, "we're nearly here! See that house up there everyone." He said, pointing an old looking house in the distance.

Everyone dropped what they we're doing except Lin to peer into the distance where a house sat directly at the foot of a massive hill, the house was brick and was home to lovely garden, the kind of beautiful garden that only an elderly lady could accomplish, that had to be John's grandmother.

Ayako had to admit, she wasn't expecting such a large house for someone like John's family. Some part of her was now dying to see what the decor and interior design would reveal.

Maybe this stay in Australia wasn't going to be so bad after-all. 

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