Drabble Challenge 008- House With A Picket Fence (Kixor/Rexyks- OC)

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They stood in front of a house. Half the picket fences on the front were broken. People say it used to be a house painted in white. White walls, white roofs, white picket fence, white mailbox. But now instead of white, they’re grey from smoke and dust. Wild plants grew on the spots between the cracks, and on the garden.

“Hey, wanna hear something interesting from this seemingly ordinary house?”, Kixor asked.

“Sure, what?”, Rexyks responded.

“There’s a rumor going around this town that this house is haunted”, she said.

“Lets get out of here”, he stated in a hurry and turned around, but she stopped him.

“Not only that, but some passerby walking in front of this house at night claim to hear some sort of inhuman sounds from the house. And also, the previous owner of this house have a wife and a pet dog, but strangely since they entered the house on first day, they never left the house. And there’s no backdoor. No one knows their fate, no one dared to enter the house, because according to the rumor, those who enters will never get out alive”, Kixor spoke.

“Can you let go of me and let me leave? Your story creeps me out even more”, Rexyks asked.

“Sure, sure. One more thing; Good luck sleeping tonight, because I heard the ghost of the owner will haunt whoever is scared by the story, hehehe”, she laughed.

The next day

“I heard Rex didn’t sleep last night. Anyone knows why?”, Arxida asked.

“Nope”, everyone in the room responded, including Kixor, who hid a smile behind the book she’s reading.

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