Drabble Challenge 010- Kiss (Neri/Rexyks - OC)

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He walked through the gaping hole in the wall, arriving in front of the forest and headed straight to the mansion. He looks surprised to see her already there, on the other side of the gate. Moments later, she noticed him.

“Oh, you’re here!”, she exclaimed. “I could get here by myself now!”, she stated happily.

“That’s good”, he responded. “Here”, he said and gave the plastic bag he’s been carrying to her. She took it and looked inside, a happy expression on her face once she saw what’s in it, “Ice cream!”

“You could take one”, he said as he climbed up the gate.

“Thanks!”, she took one and left the other in the bag. He hopped down beside her and took the remaining ice cream from her, “How many books have you read so far?”

“Uh....8, maybe”, she answered unsurely.

The walk to the library was silent as they ate the cold food in their hands. They walked up the right stairs and entered the library.

She finished her ice cream and put the stick in the plastic bag, then took out a random book from the nearest shelf. Out of boredom, he picked a random book on the shelf beside his head and started reading the informations which have been  proven to have no use to him. But still, he read it rather than being bored and doing nothing.

Time passed by quickly, and soon the sun is almost setting. Rexyks noticed this from the window and stood up, putting the book back to the shelf.

“Alright, time to go home”, he stated.

“5 more minutes”, she stated, still reading the book in her hands with full interest.

“Keep saying that and the sun will have already set. C’mon princess, time to go back to your home sweet home”, he said.

“Fine”, she pouted and stood up, putting the book back to the shelf.

They walked out of the mansion, and climbed out of the gate. The forest has noticably turned darker than when they entered it earlier, most likely because the sun is almost down. Eventually they arrived in front of the hole which serves as the entrance to the forest. Before she left though, she turned around to face him.

“Thanks for today”, she smiled at him.

With that, she gave him a kiss on his cheek and left through the triangle-shaped hole like usual, waving at him, “See ya!”

He stood there for a while, his brain still processing what just happened. A blush appeared on his cheeks as he touched the spot on his cheek where she kissed him.

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