Còigeamh Bliadhna - Aimhreit

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        ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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        ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Blushing furiously, Carina jumped up from off of Sirius' bed and he leaned away from her.
"Actually," Carina said, brushing off her skirt. "I was just leaving."
"Didn't look like you were just leaving, looked like Sirius was about to snog your face - " James' words were cut short by a smack to the back of the head by a quick moving Sirius. When James looked up, Carina was glaring daggers at him.
"Y'know, Potter? Maybe don't be a dick and Lily'll probably consider dating you. But if you still continue, well... You've got as much chance as a mountain troll."

She walked past him and Sirius, before turning to smile sweetly and genuinely at Peter and Remus, who looked more battered than he had last time Carina had seen him.
"Peter, honey, make sure Remus eats before coming to the library tonight for me. Thank you. Oh and Sirius? I will find out. And there is an easy way and a hard way. You guys have a nice day."

As soon as she left, Sirius exhaled and flopped down into his bed. James went to ask about what had happened but Sirius, somehow knowing, cut him off by saying: "She's getting suspicious. About the Moony thing. And 'cos of Wormy here can't aim his charms, she has some evidence."

Sighing, the other Marauders flopped down on the bed next to Sirius.
"Well," James said. "We're fuc-"
He was cut off by a pillow to the face by Remus.
"Look," Remus stated. "I'll sort it out, knuckle heads. Don't worry. It's my problem anyway. Besides, we better head to lunch, ok?"
"I'm sorry." Peter piped up quietly as the other boys stood up.
"Don't worry 'bout it, Petes." Sirius said. "Of course we don't blame ya. Prongs here probably woulda done the same, mainly 'cos he wouldn't be focused on throwing, more on Lily's t-"

Of course the pillow aimed at Sirius' face came quickly, and by the time he had recovered James had fled. Sirius jumped up, bolting after him. Peter looked up at his tall friend and Remus sighed, rubbing his face.

"You'd think being a werewolf would be the hardest thing to deal with in my life," he grumbled under his breath as he left the dormitory last, picking up his bag. "But no, it's keeping my trollshits of friends from murdering each other by accident. I swear to God-"
"Remus?" Peter called up as he was taking a while.
"Coming!" Sighing again, Remus began the descent down the staircase.

Lunch was quiet. At the Ravenclaw table, Carina listened as Pandora explained some of her newest creations. She was working on a spell to make all speeches and languages recognisable. So far, she had managed most of the human languages and a few bird ones. Pandora was very silent and shy, but when she got talking about her ideas, she couldn't stop; spider webbing from one topic to another; her entire face lighting up with glee.

Although she didn't like to admit it, Carina was kind of jealous at how amazing Pandora was at charms. In fact, there were traits about all of her dorm mates that Carina envied. Smiling along as Pandora continued to explain, Carina twisted her fork in her food absentmindedly. She kept nodding, but her mind was spinning away from the conversation.

Obviously, the senders were Sirius and Peter. That made one of them Padfoot and one of them Wormtail. And the receiver... that had to be either James or Remus right? But what in Hecate's name could 'Code Furry Little Problem' be? It was confusing to say the least...

"Carina?" Pandora looked at her, head tilted. "You ok?"
"Yeah, sorry." Carina shook her head as she snapped out of her trance. "Must've zoned out. Anyway, what were you saying about the reactions of the French and Latin words together?"
Carina grinned at her friend as she burst back into her enthusiastic speech.
The note can wait for now, Carina thought to herself and allowed herself to be fully engaged in her wonderful friend.

        ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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