Còigeamh Bliadhna - Bliadhna Ùr

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31st December 1975

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31st December 1975

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Everyone was back at Hogwarts by New Year's Eve, but lessons didn't start up again until January 2nd. This left all of the New Year celebrations completely open.

Most years the older kids - 5th through to 7th years - would all go out on the Astronomy Tower to watch the fireworks set up by Professor Flitwick and the N.E.W.T level Charms students. This was the first year that Carina and the others were able to go sit out there and it was stirring up some excitement amongst the fifth year students. As Prefects, Carina and the others were required to lead everyone up from their common room into the tower and out onto the rooftop in their houses.

Once she had led the Ravenclaws up to the top with Luke Greengrass, Carina met up with her friends as everyone mingled together to try to find a good seat to watch the fireworks. The Ravenclaws had arrived last, due to some poor time keeping by Luke, losing half the students on the moving staircases and general bad timing so they were left with the worst seats. Obviously.

After walking along with Pandora, Carina waved at her as Pandora went off to go and sit with her friends, including a sixth year Ravenclaw called Xenophilius Lovegood who Carina happened to know Pandora had a crush on. He was a bit peculiar in Carina's opinion - an outlandish hippy type with a fascination for journalism - but he made Pandora happy so she let it slide. Carina continued to walk along until she was grabbed around the waist and pulled backwards.

Shrieking, she attempted to bat at the arms that were now locked around her until she realised who it was.
"Sirius you complete and utter arsehole!" she exclaimed as she tried to wriggle off his lap as he shook with laughter.
"Oh, you shoulda seen your face, Curls!" he howled. James was laughing too, Remus rolled his eyes and even Peter managed a smirk as Carina sulked as she was forced to sit on Sirius's knee.
"Why did you force me to sit here anyway?" she asked, spinning around, so that her long legs were sideways across his and her face was looking at his.
"Because, darling, there's no other seats and I'm the only one kind enough to offer one for you. James is saving one for Lily, though," he replied with a smirking grin.
"Wait, Lily isn't here yet?"

A look of worry flashed across James's face.
"We thought she was with you?"
"I thought she was with you! Moony, was she there for the Prefect thing, leading everyone?" Carina asked worriedly.
"No, all I got told was Severus came up to me and told me she was busy with something else..." A wave of both worry and shame washed over Remus's face. "I'm so sorry, I should have told you guys."

"Don't worry, I'm right here you guys!" the familiar female voice rang out from behind them. Lily came walking over, shimmying past other Gryffindors who had already gathered in their seats in front of the Marauders and Carina. Lily giggled loudly as she sat down, only to squeal when she realised that she had sat on James.
"Lils, are you drunk?" Carina asked incredulously.
"No, no, no, no, no. I only had a little cup of .... I don't remember what it was but I only had a little! And it was the Slug Club party, you know, you know," she replied, slightly slurring her words.

Remus threw a small bottle to Carina.
"It's a cure for drunkenness," he whispered to her. "I carry it around for obvious reasons - " He eyed James and Sirius. "But I think you might currently need it."
"Thanks, you're a lifesaver, Rem." She then turned to Lily. "Hey, Lily. You might want a sip of this."

Eagerly, Lily took the bottle and took a swig. Once she had done so, the effect was almost instantaneous. She shook her head violently before yelling out. "Goddamn! What was that?"
"Drunk solution. You were a bit off it."
"Ah. Oops. Guess I need to learn to take my Firewhiskey better."

"Look!" Peter exclaimed. "The fireworks are starting!"
Everyone's attention turned to the dark sky as bursts of bright colour began to shoot up into the night time air. As everyone oohed and ahhed at the vibrant colours that were darting around the sky, Sirius leaned his head into Carina's shoulder, their cheeks pressed together.

As the midnight countdown began, the numbers appeared, spelled out in the shots of enchanted flames.










As everyone screamed one, the grand finale exploded into the skies, filling them with the most beautiful shades the students had ever seen. Sirius turned Carina's face and planted a kiss on her lips as the clock struck midnight.

It was certainly one way to start the year.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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