Còigeamh bliadhna - Madadh-allaidh

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        ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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        ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Remus' eyes flared with fear and worry and his lips wobbled in a kind of hurt or sadness.

"Wha-wha-what do you mean? I mean of course, not - "

He stopped as he saw Carina looking at him. He dropped his gaze from her stare and, with a wobbling emotion in his voice, whispered one word: "Yes."

He turned to go and run, but Carina caught his wrist.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
The boy looked at his friend with slightly teary eyes. There was worry in her eyes, but not the kind he expected. Not the kind that meant she was afraid of him or disgusted by him. The worry that meant you're my best friend, and I want to know you're ok.

"You... You don't hate me? You're not scared of me?"
"I could never hate you, Remus. You're my best friend. I'm more mad that you didn't tell me. And, scared of you? I'm more scared of Marlene when she hasn't eaten any food! You're still Remus John Lupin, awkward geek, most responsible Marauder and folder of socks, ok? And nothing can change that. No matter what."

Remus smiled at his friend, tears still glittering in his eyes. Hugging Carina, the tall boy laughed, tears still glistening in his eyes and still sniffling from trying not to cry.
"Thank you."
"No problem. Now, let go, you string bean of a person, your bony chin is digging into my skull."

He laughed again and the two of them set off, back to the castle together.

"I'm assuming that Peter and James and Sirius know about this then?" Carina said as she and Remus reached the Gryffindor common room entrance.
"Yeah. Nosey bastards went snooping around in my business pretty early and worked it out."
"Mr Lupin! Language!" the portrait guarding the room exclaimed. She was a larger woman wearing a pink dress with a rather mischievous smile.
"Sorry. Errr... Leo cor," Remus said to the woman and the door behind her swung open.

Just behind Remus, Carina followed him through the main common room and all the way up to the fifth year boys' dormitory.
"Moony, why did you bring her?" a voice came from the bed to the far left.
"Nice to see you too, Black." Carina smirked.

As Sirius, James and Peter moved into view, Remus told them.
"She knows about... my problem."
"Can she help you?" Peter piped up when the other boys just flopped down onto their beds.
"I can try, Peter." Carina smiled at the smallest boy. "So, how do the boys help you, Remus?"
"Well, Curls, we happen to have specific abilities that help us aid Moony here by - " Carina cut Sirius off.
"You're Animagi, aren't you?"

Sirius's jaw dropped. Slightly stunned himself, Remus looked at his friend.
"How did you know?"
"Isn't it obvious? She's Carina, she's a Ravenclaw and a bloody smart one at that. She's just intuitive like that," Peter piped up, something odd laced in his tone.
Laughing, Carina said: "It's more just I overthink and over-analyse every single situation I'm in, so trying to come up with a conclusion that doesn't worry the trollshit out of me is kind of a talent of mine. Or a bad habit, I'm not quite sure yet. But by any means, thank you, Peter, for trying to be kind."

Sniggering at her choice of words, Sirius studied Carina. "So, Angel, what you do plan on doing to help Moony here with his monthlies?"

"Well, first I plan on getting you to stop calling me weird nicknames, you cabbage head. And second, I plan on also becoming an animagus. Or, I could just bring Moony a hot water bottle and some chocolate like you do for most other monthlies?"

Snorting loudly, James quickly received a pillow to the face from Remus. Recovering fast, he jumped across his bed to whisper something in Remus's ear, causing him to chuckle. Carina raised an eyebrow at him and he shook his head.

"Would you also mind explaining the nicknames to me? If he's Moony - " she gestured at Remus. "which of you are Wormtail, Prongs and Padfoot?"

"How do you know the other names?" James asked, confused.
"The note?" Peter said.
Carina nodded. "That and this piece of parchment that 'Moony' left at the library the other day that insulted me the minute I opened it."

Suddenly, all the boys turned their heads until all eyes were on Remus, who was slowly going red.
"Ah," he said, swallowing thickly. "So that's where I left the Map."

        ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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