Còigeamh Bliadhna - Dleastanasan prefect

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20th September 1975

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The day had arrived. First Prefect rounds of the newly appointed fifth years.

Awkwardly, Carina stood, waiting at the edge of the Great Hall with the other Ravenclaw prefect. He was a tanned boy, with very broad
shoulders, dark hair and darker eyes. Carina remembered him from last year's Quidditch team - Luke Greengrass. The two didn't really have any classes together, as he must have taken different options to her, but he had been a Beater, while she had been a Chaser. He seemed to remember her too, so they made small talk about this year's Quidditch tryouts.

However, in spite of the conversation, Carina stood nervously, rocking on her heels. Twenty minutes had passed since the six o'clock mark the Prefects had been told to be in the Great Hall by. And still, no sign of Remus. Lily stood alone by the Gryffindor table. Spotting Carina, Lily darts past the Slytherins to stand next to her.

"I haven't seen Remus all day. I think it's his mum again. She's really ill, isn't she?" Lily told Carina.

Carina sighed. She had met Hope Lupin last year - Hope had come with them to see the Quidditch World Cup. But she had gotten really sick soon after it and Lyall had been so worried. Guilt knotted her stomach; why had she thought her friend had been lying to her, even when he had trusted her with his despair over his mother's sickness?

"I hope she's OK then. I'll ask Remus when he gets back. But he probably won't show up then."

The two girls shared a sad smile and looped their arms through one another's. Together, they walked to the front, where everyone was gathering to receive their schedules for the night's patrol.

For the Ravenclaws, first patrol wasn't until twelve o'clock, on the Ground Floor, in the Quad. That meant that Carina could sleep for a couple hours until then.

She didn't get changed when she got back to her dormitory; instead Carina just shrugged off her outer robes and slid her shoes off, before lying down over the top of the covers on her bed. The others were not up from the common room yet, so Carina was alone.

Her rest was fitful. Visions of full moons, disappointed Remuses and lunar charts swam in her brain, growing and growing until -

Carina's alarm for midnight went off. She had bolted up, but carefully left her bed, being as quiet as possible as to not disturb the others while they slept. Slipping her robes and shoes back on, Carina smoothed her slightly crumpled uniform and hurried to the common room. Luke was waiting outside for her. Together they made their way down to the Quad.

An older Prefect greeted them, and told them which way to go around on their patrols, before leaving rather sleepily.

Shivering slightly in the chilly Scottish night air, Carina wrapped her robes closer around herself and began to walk around the area.

Everything was quiet for most of the night, apart from a few third years Carina caught snogging in the broom cupboard closest to the North Tower.
It was about half an hour after that, maybe around 5am and the sun was breaking dawn behind the high windows. That was when Carina saw them.

Just down the corridor, a group of teachers were supporting what appeared to be a student using magic to levitate the stretcher. They were speaking in hushed voices; slightly alarmed and nervous.

As they grew closer to the Hospital Wing - and Carina - she could begin to make out the teachers' faces. Her mother, in particular, looked worried as the group met Madam Pomfrey. She immediately began fussing and ordering the stretcher to be moved around.

As the stretcher turned around, a beam of sunlight hit the student's face. Lying battered and bruised was Remus Lupin.

        ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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