Còigeamh Bliadhna - Nollaig

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       ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

After a big Christmas lunch, Carina went back to the Gryffindor common room with the boys.

Their common room was decorated in all red and gold decorations; every shade of red could be found on the walls or hanging from the ceiling trimmed with glittering gold. Remus had to duck to get past everything. It was surprisingly quiet for the Gryffindor common room, but Carina had seen how few people were actually staying over this Christmas; both on the sign up sheet and in the Great Hall earlier.

The boys led her up to their dorm where she quite happily jumped down onto Sirius's bed. From her seat there, she pulled four neatly wrapped gifts from the bag that she had been carrying around all day and threw one to each of the boys.

James caught his with the expertise of a chaser; Remus threw himself back onto his bed and grabbed it in mid-air; Peter's just landed on his knee as he was already sitting on his bed and Sirius, well, Sirius got hit in the head with his.

All the others burst out laughing as Sirius burst into a string of curse words, clutching his head with one hand and his present with the other. He moved as if to go and sit on his bed, before realising how close to Carina that would make him. Instead, he opted to sit on the floor by James' bed. Once everyone was settled again, the boys began opening their gifts from Carina while Moony promised they would give theirs to each other once they had opened these.

It was amazing to see each of their reactions to their gifts: James whooped and dashed over to give Carina a high five, after he had quickly tore the paper off of his new broom care manual and kit, along with the set of coupons for Quality Quidditch Supplies; Remus laughed aloud and grinned when he opened up his bundle of socks, knitting supplies and patterns as well as at least a month's supply of his favourite Honeydukes chocolate bars and sweets; Peter smiled sweetly at the handful of good quality quills - "And they're enchanted to come back to you so you can't lose them at all!" - and the charmed little Muggle knick-knacks that Carina had picked out for him, including a little spaniel dog that barked and ran circles on palm of his hand, a model of Peter's favourite dragon (a Welsh Green) that actually blew fire and a cute little alien that would say things back to you in a made up language of you talked to it, to name a few things. The last to open his gift was unsurprisingly Sirius.

While the rest of the boys stared at him, eyebrows raised and slightly confused, he carefully peeled wrapping paper off and opened his present. With the lid neatly Spellotaped closed, a little brown box sat on his knee. Delicately he peeled that back too and opened the box up. There were three things inside; the biggest thing being an enchanted watch. It was mainly coloured a shining gold, but the face of it was a deep maroon colour, almost like a wine red. Around the edges were engraved lions that appeared at each hour to roar the time. Beside that was a few little vouchers. When he picked them up, he read "Dehaven's Wizarding Tattoos And Piercings".
"These mean you can get three free enchanted tattoos, and I checked they're valid for anyone aged sixteen or over," Carina piped up. "Seeing as you've been going on about wanting a tattoo for agessssssss," she elongated the last syllable for dramatic effect, as the other boys laughed.

He grinned at her. Finally he took out the last thing from the box. By this point everyone else had gotten bored of sitting around waiting for him to finish and were messing around with their gifts and getting out their presents for each other. So, with only Carina watching, Sirius held up the last item. It was a small glass bottle filled with emerald green ink. Curiously, he looked up at her.
Smirking, she explained it.
"Secret messaging ink. You write anything down in this, it disappears and reappears on one of the linked notebooks, for example perhaps the ones I gave to the others. That way you can communicate without any .... interception."

His grin turned into a genuine smile until he realised something. Quickly, he opened the ink up and scrawled something down. James, who had been looking at his notebook, yelled at Sirius.
"I'm not a dickhead, you dickhead!"
Remus burst out laughing, along with Carina and Peter, as Prongs and Padfoot began to fight.

Once all settled again, more presents were exchanged along with eggnog, Firewhiskey and giggles. A few dumb Muggle games, embarrassing confessions, stupid dares and hours later, they were all exhausted. Together, the little gang of five wandered out of the Gryffindor common room towards the dining hall for tea, slightly drunk and very happy.

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