Saor-làithean an t-Samhraidh - Aig taobh na locha

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29th July 1976

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29th July 1976

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Early mornings in the sunshine were so wonderful at the McGonagall residence. The Marauders and Carina would often be up and ready before dawn just so that they could walk to the lake that was only ten or so minutes from home to see the sunrise on the water. The late July heat left the lake warm and calming, so often they'd swim in the mornings and come back again in the evenings.

James, Peter and Sirius were always straight in, diving in, splashing each other and seeing what they could find at the bottom of the lake. It was a very rare occurrence for Remus to actually get in; he mainly just stayed by the shore, at the base of a shady tree, reading and occasionally letting the water wash over his feet. After living here her entire life, Carina had done all of that before. She'd go swimming with the boys or read with Remus, but above his spot under the tree were very good branches for climbing, so long as Carina took her time with her footing. She had fallen out of that tree So many times as a child, it was unbelievable. So most often, Carina would dart up the tree with care and caution not be clumsy, to find good places to sit and watch everyone messing around in the lake, or spots where she could jump off the branches into the lake.

Since last holiday, someone had installed a tire swing on that particular tree. And James and Sirius, having never experienced anything like this with their upbringing in the Wizarding World, were definitely being entertained by it.
James was on it for quite a while. He was swinging out top speeds, back and forth, until -
Letting go at just the right second, James crashed down into the lake with a splash big enough to send waves rippling all the way up the shore to Remus. While he wasn't happy with his now wet socks, Remus couldn't help but laugh along with the others at James's soaking figure wading back up to land again.

"So that's fun but - "
James' words were cut off by a giant splash. Soon, an equally drenched Sirius was making his way back to the shore of the lake. Peter had been lying on a makeshift raft-like float, which was now bobbing violently as he tried to paddle back to the rest of the group.
"So that was fun, but I don't think that swing is super secure," Sirius said as he flopped upon the hard sand of the shore. "I feel like it might fall."

James rolled his eyes.

"Catch me!!" Carina yelled as she jumped off the tree, onto the sand next to Sirius. His arms were immediately wrapped around her body and he rolled so his back was taking the full force of her fall. This also meant that Carina was laying on top of him.

The pair stared awkwardly at each other for a minute. Sirius's hands were creeping up Carina's waist until James coughed loudly and his quick fingers shot back down to his sides. Without breaking her stare, Carina stood up, her blue eyes still locked with Sirius's grey ones.

From inside, Minerva called for the boys to come inside. She had been determined to show Peter and Remus some easy spells to remember for when they grew up to make chores easier and to show James the wonders of good old fashioned Muggle cooking and cleaning, leaving Sirius and Carina some time with just the two of them. It was obvious to Minerva that while the pair loved their friends dearly and had been greatly enjoying their time together over the summer, they wanted to hang out as a couple, and more importantly, as friends too.

They had been in proximity to each other for years, it almost seemed like they had to get together at some point. Sirius and Carina had always shared similar friends and likes, and they'd often complain about each other to her as they were always squabbling and pranking each other. He seemed like a kind boy behind his nonchalant, popular exterior and Minerva just hoped he loved her daughter with the same intensity that he loved his friends.

As she ushered the other boys inside, Minerva took one final glance back at the young couple, now standing alone on the lake shore. James grinned back at them too, for a moment, as Sirius and Carina's hands interlocked and they began to wander down the lakeside.

To begin with, Carina simply rambled about the scenery in the area; the story of how she once saw a unicorn on the hill just to the left of them when she was eight, or the one about how she nearly drowned in the lake looking for potion ingredients but was rescued by the freshwater mermaids.

Sirius watched her eyes light up as she talked, watching her excitedly point in one way or the other to tell an entertaining anecdote about her childhood. She knew all about him, and he was just so glad she was being more open and telling him more about herself as before, she had been so silent and introverted towards him. He enjoyed seeing this side of her.

It was only as she noticed Sirius's wide grin that Carina stopped talking and stared at him for a minute. When he said nothing, just continuing to look at her face, she couldn't help herself and she asked him: "Have I ever told you you've got really pretty eyes?"
He sighed, his smile unmoving from his face though.
"And you've got great hair. And I love this little dimple right here -" She poked him softly in the face.

Gently, Sirius wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and pulled her down to sit next to him on the lake side.
"I love you," Sirius whispered softly into Carina's hair. A blush ran over her cheeks and she curled herself into his chest.
"I love you too. Like, I wanna go do regular, stupid, in love, teenage things with you. Like, there's going to be a Queen concert on, in Edinburgh, in September. We could go, like Muggle couples do, listen to great music, do stupid dancing and just have fun - no magic, no complications, just you and me. How'd that sound?"

"Like a date, darling."

They didn't leave the lakeside for a while after that.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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