Còigeamh Bliadhna - Hogsmeade

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23rd November 1975

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23rd November 1975

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Late November brought early snow storms to Hogwarts and the surrounding area. Hogsmeade had become a bustling hub of students, rushing to start their Christmas shopping already and you could guarantee that as soon as the snow storms started up again, the Three Broomsticks would be packed full as everyone hurried to get out of the cold and get warm drinks.

As promised, Carina's little group of friends did head there hang out, well, originally: Marlene was stopped from leaving by Filch, due to a detention she had to serve; Lily left after about ten minutes, to go on a date she had forgotten she was going on; and Dorcas was dragged off by her sister. Accompanying the older Meadowes sister were Alice Fortescue and Alice's boyfriend, Frank Longbottom. Alice and Frank were Gryffindor seventh years; Carina had often seen them at Prefect meetings and Alice smiled at her as she walked off with the Meadowes sisters and her boyfriend.

That left Carina with just the Marauders. Immediately, James and Sirius went bolting off to the new joke shop: Zonko's. As Peter ran off to follow them, Remus and Carina shared a look. Slowly, they walked along behind the other boys, just talking. Sirius had already informed Remus of the fact that he had kissed Carina on the cheek, and as much as Sirius hated it, Remus could guess what it had meant to him - Sirius wasn't exactly one to show that kind of affection, like, ever. However, Carina seemed to just think it was just Sirius being Sirius.

"Don't be daft, Rem. He just kissed me on the cheek! That's so unbelievably benign. The girls and I do that practically all the time, it's literally nothing. He was probably very drunk on all that Butterbeer that you guys brought and thought it would be funny. We are sort of friends now. It was a kiss on the cheek." she replied, laughing, after he brought it up. "You don't need to be protective about everything. You're such an older brother!" They were reaching the shop and it seemed to Remus that Carina clearly wanted to dismiss the topic. "Now let's go have some fun."

Although the joke shop wasn't Carina's usual scene, she certainly enjoyed it. The boys were very quick to show her what each thing did, ending up with some very amusing results. When James' hair turned green, it became very obviously time to run.

Out of breath from laughing and running, Carina had to stop for a minute. It became apparent that the snow had started up again - the snowflakes were landing and staying on her hair and robes. Remus looked up at the sky and doing so received a few snowflakes to the face. Giggling, Carina grabbed a small lump of the snow in her gloved hand and threw it at Sirius's head.

This act led to an all out war between the five, as well as all the other students who just happened to be standing nearby and became a target to the handfuls of snow. Peter was surprisingly vicious at the game; throwing snowballs when backs were turned and being rather violent, if a bit unco-ordinated. And poor Remus as his long gangly self just kept tripping over and sliding around on his arse. It was all quite amusing to watch. That had been until Sirius got Carina right in the middle of her face with a snowball. She shrieked and James burst out laughing. He high fived Sirius as Carina brushed the melting snow off of her face.

Her eyes met Peter's and he grinned. Remus looked over too, clearly knowing what was going on. Then the three of them sprung: pelting Sirius and James with snowball after snowball, until they screeched for mercy.

Laughing, Carina, Remus and Peter led the very ashamed looking Sirius and James into the Three Broomsticks. Immediately Sirius shifted gears as they walked in and started sweet talking Madam Rosmerta for the best table. He winked at her and began walking - and then stopped dead. As Sirius tried to distract James, Carina looked over at what had changed Sirius's mind.

Lily was sitting in the corner, giggling with her date and looking very happy. James looked over and saw, and for a second his smile fell and his jaw clenched. But then, he seemed to drop any intentions of going over there and simply turned to the rest of them, saying: "Let's just go sit and get drinks, yeah?"

It turned into a nice evening: Lily and her date left quite early so James wasn't moping for very long. Everyone shedded their thick jackets and robes to dry off in the warm, fire lit pub, and ordered hot food and drinks. James and Sirius managed to wrangle a jug of Firewhiskey and each of the boys took a glass of it. With red faces and fiery mouths, they all laughed and talked and it felt as if they had all been friends forever.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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