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I couldn't tell you how much fun I had for the bast three weeks. Not only with Moira but also with my smoking buddy; Chris. Our cabin mates Faye and Amy are our good friends too. It's funny how me and Amy got to be friends since Faye told her about Chris, my told me to link her with Chris but I'm not giving her a chance since I also got my eyes on him. I guess Faye and Amy isn't what we thought they were.

It also came to one point that we all slept at the living room together and told each other stories and stuff. Four of us live in an interesting life.

Faye is a daughter of a well known business company. She'll soon take over it, that's why she went to this summer camp so she can relive her life again before she starts training for their company. After this summer camp, she isflying to LA for another month, she said she needed to shop for new clothes.

Amy's life is a bit complicated. Both of her parents support her, but her parents are not married. Bother har parents work in an airline company where her mum is a flight attendant and her dad is a manager. Her parents had a party that time and they slept together until her mum got pregnant. Her parents kept it a secret from everyone since her dad is married to someone else. Even though her parents aren't married, both support her. She lives with her mum her whole life, but her dad always visits her once a month. Amy is very close to her dad.

Moira's just living a smiple life. She's with her mum at the moment and her dad is at Las Vegas running their casino. Her mum is a doctor in a hospital near their house so there is no problem if Moira gets sick.

And me? My parents are divorced. My dad is at New York, he's sent there for his work. He's a known architect who makes houses for famous people. He only sends money for me since he doesn't really give a shit about my mum. My mum is a house saleslady. She's living for the both of us plus her boyfriend Drew. I maybe living in a broken family but at least both of my parents love me.


"What's her announcement?" I yawned.

"It better be a good reason why she woke up in six in the morning." Moira said.

Then B came in the cabin with a big smile on her face, as always. Behind her are her guys and I see Chris smiling at me.

"Good morning guys!" she greeted and all of us greeted back in a dead tone since we're all too tired for this. "I can see that you're all tired and still sleepy and you're all wondering 'Hmmm, why is B waking us all at this time of hour?' Well this is our last week together so I've decided to do a scavenger hunt! But this is not ordinary scavenger hunt! I can tell you're all going to patricipate because what you're looking for is..."

She took a long pause before she said the itema. At first I doubt me and Moira will be looking for them but it all changed when B said the 'item'.

"Your cellphones!" she said. We're all in awe.

"Our what?" one girl said.

"It's in the camp site. So good luck finding them!" she said and turned around.

"But what if we can't find our phones?" one guy asked.

"That's for you to find out." she said in a bitchy tone and ;eft with her guys.

Everyone ran out of the main cabin and started to search for their phones. One saw her's and it was in a pouch with her name on it. Everyone looked for puches and some managed to find theirs while me and Moira? No luck at all

It was two days and we still haven't found our phone. We were so jealous when Amy and Faye found theirs but Moira said not to lose hope.


"We really need to find our phones." I said and Naomi laid on her bed.

"I'm so tired. It's been two days. Damn B hid those phones really good." Naomi groaned.

Then there was a knock on the door. When I opened it, it was Chris.

"Yo." I said.

"Is Naomi here?" he asked.

"Yeah?" Naomi yelled.

"I have her phone." he showed me a the pouch.

"What?!" we both said. I let him in our room.

"Where did you find it?" Naomi asked.

"I saw it in the woods." he said.

"And mine?" I asked.

"I'm still looking. I'm helping you two and Faye and Amy finding your phones." he said and I sighed deeply. "Don't worry Moira I'll still look for it."

"Maybe I should call it. Are all phones off?" Naomi offered.

"I don't know. None of the phones were ringing or vibrating or anything but we didn't check it either. Try calling it." Chris said.

"I didn't turn off mine. I knew no one would bother texting me since I told them that my phone would be confiscated. Let's go outside." I insisted and the three of us went out.

As we stepped out, I dialled my number on Naomi's phone and it was ringing. We heard a certain ringtone and began to find where it was coming from. Thesound was getting louder and then when I called my number for the last time I heard the ringtone and some vibrations. Then a small light was under a small bush. I found it.

Mother fucker no wonder it cant be found, it was in a green pouch which is the same collor of the bush. I ran back to my cabin and so did Naomi and Chris.

"Damn no wonder I couldn't find it. I've been through that area a lot of times and I didn't noticed it." I said.

"Well at least you found it." Naomi said. "Save my number okay?"

"Save mine you guys?" Chris said and we both laughed.

"Sure." I said and I saved both of their numbers.

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