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I woke up from a bad dream and I covered my face for the fact that it was about my dad. I love my dad so much and I don't want anything to hurt him. I cried to myself until Harry entered my room.

Of course he saw me crying. He rushed his way to me. He held my hands and I shook my head telling him it was nothing. He hugged me and I sobbed on his shoulders.

After that dramatic scene, Harry brought me breakfast in my room. My Popsie was behind him. We ate in my room. They said that it would help me feel better and it did.

I love daddy and he may not be with me, but I have boys who are there for me.


"You ready?" Harry asked.

"Yeah." I tied my shoelace. "Done."

"Okay, Louis' house is that one," Harry pointed at the house where it was just one house away from Moira's. "And I'll be there at Moira's."


We both went our seperate ways. I walked my way to Louis' house and as I got to the front door, I checked out Harry who was knocking on Moira's house and as it opened Harry smiled and hugged Moira and they both went in.

I looked at the door and knocked three times. I waited for a response then the door opened. Louis was wear a plain blue shirt and boxers. It seemed like he just woke up. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Morning." I said.

"Morning." he replied. "Come in."

He moved aside and I walked in. He was watching television and having breakfast.

"Nice place. Where's your family?" I asked.

"I moved out. They're not far though. I just decided to move somewhere I'm near to Moira's."

"Why? Is it because of her issue?"

"Sort of. She's tried to commit suicide before and I stopped her."

"No way?" I sat on the couch.

"Yeah." he sat next to me. "Have you eaten?"

"Yep." I took the remote and started changing the channel.

"So why are you here?" he asked.

"I don't know. Harry told me to talk to you after what happened yesterday."

"He told you?" his eyes quickly shot a looked at me and looked a bit paranoid.

"Not really. He just said you confronted Moira and she's a bit upset." I said. "What happened yesterday?"

"Uhm," he looked away. "M-Moira said she--she--she wanted me to hang out with you again but Harry told her you were gone. So I had no choice but to hang out with them instead. Yet they only cuddled and I asked if we can go for a drive but she declined and said that I should go on my own instead. It annoyed me so much that I bursted and confronted her."

"What did you say?"

"That you came here for her and not Harry."

"Nice." I smiled. It was wrong but it's true. "But she's upset now."

"She should." Louis put a spoon full of oatmeal in his mouth.

"Well you should talk now. I think she's guilty after what you said to her."

"Okay." he said. "After this."

"Great." I sat back.

"When we're okay, you want to go and watch a movie with me?" he said and we both looked a each other.

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