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Night came and this is where the life of the party would start. Harry was out there somewhere to handle something. I was sitting with Kate and Alex where they were smoking and drinking.

"C'mon Naomi! Pass the blunt!" Kate shouted. "You know how Alex loves it when you smoke."

"Yeah Naomi what happened to you?" Alex said and he blew out the smoke from his mouth.

"I can't okay? I needed to stop smoking. Besides even if I was allowed to smoke then I would have taken Alex's joint."

"Then I'm going to take my boyfriend's joint." Kate said and took the cigarette from Alex's mouth.

"Hey!" he shouted and Kate smiled at him and smoked. "God, why are you my girlfriend?"

The two laughed and they kissed. I looked away because it got a bit awkward. Oh how I wish Louis was here.

I felt hands cover my eyes and they were a ginormous pair of hands. "Guess who."

"Honestly what made you think that question is hard." I said and removed his hands. "Harry that was the fifth time you covered my eyes what is going on?"

"Nothing." he smirked. "I just like surprising people."

"Well stop," I giggled. "It's creepy and it's annoying. You can only do that to Moira because she's stupid."

"Hey!" he pushed my shoulder but quickly grabbed my arms to avoid me from falling. "Sorry."

"I was just messing around." I pinched his arm. "Jesus, why are you like that?"

"You called my girlfriend stupid!" he defended himself.

"Not that!" I held his face. "When you push me but then grab me. It's adorable but also stupid."

"Geez, thanks." he crossed his arms and pouted his lips.

"Hey but at least you and Moira are perfect for each other." I smiled and it took him five seconds to stay like a little baby until he smiled.

"I guess." he bit his lip.

"But honestly Harry, thank you for today. You never seemed to fail to make my birthdays amazing." I stretched my arms open.

"You're welcome Naomi." he hugged me.

"Naomi!" Tanya shouted my name. Me and Harry looked at her. "Stope being so sweet with each other and let's have an amazing party!"

"Okay!" Harry shouted and pulled me to the party.


Sorry if it was short. Will update soon! I just needed to add a new chapter I guess. :)

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