Mycroft's Visit (Susanna POV)

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"I believe it does."

Sherlock's reply floats around my head as I pack up my bag. During out entire conversation I could feel him deducing me with more focus than casual interest. Ever since I started this post he has made a habit of analyzing me, although he doesn't always verbalize these observations. Rather, he has opted to probing me to confirm or debunk his deductions.

I look over at him from the couch. He is currently sitting with his legs crossed and his palms together underneath his chin. Obviously he has entered his mind palace, so I try to be as quiet as possible.

"Shut up, Susanna." He quips, eyes still closed. I breathe out.

"I wasn't saying anything and you can't stop me from thinking things." I respond, zipping up my bag as obnoxiously as possible.

"Can't I?"


His steel blue eyes flash open and find me, "You're disrupting me."

"Then ignore me. If you can ignore John, Missus Hudson, Rosie and everyone else you come in contact with, then-"

"I presume that this may be a bad time to visit, then?" I spin on my heel and find Mycroft Holmes, who referred me to John and Sherlock, standing in the doorway.

"I was just leaving, sir." I explain with a detached tone, gesturing to my bag on the couch. Sherlock snaps his eyes back and forth in between me and his older brother.

"You know each other?"

"She is one of the girls whom I referred to you, Sherlock. I met them myself for a background check and interview." Mycroft replies curtly, stepping into the living room.

"So she's been spying on me? That would explain a lot." Sherlock muses.

"No she hasn't, Sherlock. I use John for that."

"Of course you do." John walks in with Rosie, still glowing with excitement.

"Oh hello, Mycroft!" He greets before taking in the room, "So you've met Sus-"

"Yes, I was the one who referred her to you. Really is it that hard to remember how you learned of her availability?" Mycroft bemoans and I almost, almost, chuckle. Sibling rivalry between a consulting detective and the british government is at least a bit amusing.

"Of course it is, brother mine. I routinely delete our conversations, " Sherlock remarks, "Shut up, Susanna!" I cock my head at him in response, wordlessly repeating my earlier response.

"Hold on where is this coming from? I thought you two had resolved this dispute?" John questions. I shrug my shoulders.

"He's trying to tell me to stop thinking when I know that one of his pet peeves is when people do not, in fact, think." I answer. Sherlock shoots a pointed gaze at me but I ignore it.

Mycroft turns to John, "You texted that Rosie has begun to walk, John."

"Oh, yes! She started this morning and is improving her balance." I smile as John offers to demonstrate Rosie's newfound ability to Mycroft, who reluctantly consents to watch. I kneel with John on the floor to help, casting a sideways glance at Sherlock. He has stubbornly resumed his prayer pose, blocking us out. More likely he is specifically trying to block Mycroft out.

Once we finish the demonstration Mycroft almost smiles, "Well that is wonderful, John! I am glad to see little Rosie progressing," He glances at the time and his eyes widen for emphasis, "I'd better be getting back to the office. It's trouble enough as it is to be gone for a minute during the Korean elections... which you obviously do not need to know about." 

"Good." Sherlock dismisses. Mycroft nods a quick farewell to John and then directs his attention to me.

"I see you took an overpriced taxi today, Miss Susanna. Your bike is in currently the shop because a couple of kids vandalised it and a few others in the car lot."

Though taken aback by his accurate deduction I nod, "Well, yes."

"Then come. I will drop you off there. Good day, brother mine." Mycroft pivots and makes his way downstairs. I blanche before quickly grabbing my bag and following him.

"See you on monday!" I call back to John and Sherlock, relishing the looks of utter astonishment on their faces.

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