Psychopath (Susanna POV)

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"Wakey wakey, Susanna. We've got tons to do."

I groan and roll onto my side, fighting a killer migraine and sleepy haze. I feel a cold metal slab underneath me and a thin blanket over me. I inhale and almost cough from the number of chemicals I smell.

"You've been out for almost a day. Must have missed a lot of sleep lately, since I know you're an early bird. The effects of the sedative I gave you were only supposed to keep you under for a few hours while I set everything up."

I open my eyes and blink a few times. While it's bright, it's not quite blinding. I scan the area and decide that I am in a morgue. I look for the owner of the voice and find them at the foot of the metal table that I'm on. My breath catches the second I see their face, "Brent..."

"Surprise, Dollface! Did you figure it out before I whisked you away?" He crooned. I pull the blanket around me and sit up.


"I knew it'd come to you eventually. You couldn't have forgotten about me completely, now could you?" He kneels in front of me, "I still see the little freshman girl in you. Ridiculously smart and ready to impress. Where has that carefree nerd gone?"

"I've grown up, Brent."

"Maybe, but you've also lost confidence in yourself. Especially since you met that Sherlock Holmes guy. Detective, right? You always did enjoy the weirdos, Dollface." 

"Sherlock is not a weirdo, Brent. He's a genius and not a psychopath like you!" Brent shakes his head with a bitter hiss. 

"It doesn't matter anymore though, does it, Doll? I told you that one day I would see the bullies eradicated." 

"Then why abduct me?" I inquire. He grins wickedly, "I never bullied you-!" Brent puts a hand over my mouth to silence me. 

"No, you were never a bully. We were both victims of the same bullies, and you tried to stand up for me. Dollface, I told you not to get involved and yet you defended me- a psychopath- from everyone until you saw what I could do. So you reported me and I got put away!" He growls, "I told you on that day that they carted me off that I would come back and set the record straight. Well, here I am! I've had over twenty years to plan all this!"

"Plan what?"  I shudder as he grabs my jaw with one rough hand, forcing me to stare into his face. Brent laughs.

"I'm a psychopath who never got his chance to make history, Doll! What better way to be remembered than being credited with exterminating dozens of bullies! Of course, my involvement with that Drug Cartel should also boost my infamy." 

"You were part of the cartel?!"

"Easy access, doll. You wouldn't believe how many of those bullies became addicts and felons. I slipped some compounds into their goods and none were the wiser as to their sudden deaths." 

"You are wicked, Brent." He smirks.

"Didn't I tell you that the first time you stuck up for me?" I gulp and he backs away, "When I learned that you had become one of Sherlock Holmes' companions that night at the warehouse, I modified my plans to accommodate his genius. Even if he does enlist the help of your family and friends, there is no way that they could figure all this out before my Grand Finale." 


"In which you shall be the star, of course, Susanna," My blood runs cold and his smirk intensifies, "Oh, you may have stuck up for me and were a friend, but you and your family stole away my potential for greatness by sending me away to that place. For what. My security? My health? Dollface, I've been sick since I could walk. There's no cure. Trust me. All those doctors tried. And for all that misery you put me through, no matter if it was unintentional, I will repay you and your dear family in full, plus extra."

"I had to go through my own misery and pain, Brent! You think that my life has been all sunshine and butterflies since I reported you!?" His fist connects with my jaw and I grimace.

"You weren't the victim of experiments and test trials. Your family goes to extreme lengths to keep you protected in a glass tower! I know about all those midnight evacuations and safehouses. As I see it, the only way to break free from their smothering you is to disappear altogether." 

I purse my lips, "No. I would never do that to my family and friends." 

"But you've thought about it, haven't you. Just leaving and never having to worry about surprise SWAT visits and security checks." 

"No." I refuse. He strokes my cheek. 

"Dollface, all the evidence is there. I'll be doing you a favor, won't I?" He chortles and forces me back against the table, pulling out several leather straps, "I have somewhere to be, unfortunately. I hope you won't mind me keeping you here until this business is finished," I relent and he secures the straps. My body is weak, and I might as well rest it until I can figure a way out, "Oh and don't mind the incoming bodies. Those are from earlier. I had to dispose of those hitwomen- they were also bullies and when their cover was blown I had to eliminate them. Now be good and stay here for me."

He smirks and leaves the morgue, donning a crisp lab coat and thick glasses before locking the door. I shiver and bite my lip, trying to force back my own tears. 

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