District 4 Reaping

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District 4 Reaping
Finn Oceansea
The beach is deserted apart from the cluster of seagulls above me. The ocean, as usual, is calm. I cast out my fishing line, hoping that I'll catch something. I haven't caught any fish in a week, and my family doesn't have much food. I suddenly feel something. That felt like a bite! I start to reel my line in, and stare in wonder at the huge fish that's on the end of it.
"Wow," I say to myself. This fish is bigger than any I've ever caught.
"What's wow?" The sound of the voice startles me. But it's just my little sister Pearl.
"I caught a fish," I tell her. She smiles.
"That's great. We finally have something to eat!" I can tell by her voice that she is excited.
"By the way, x't ten o'clock." I gasp. I had not intended to stay on the beach that long. I quickly reel in my line the rest of the way and follow her to the house. There's about an hour left before the reaping starts. Quickly, I show the catch to my mother and hurry upstairs to get ready. When I'm finished, the three of us head to the square. I fet in line behind a boy who appears to be older than me. I'm the second to last person to check in. The last person is my sister.
"Goodbye, Pearl," I say, hugging her. "And please don't be scared," I add. I know that she is. It's her first time at the reaping, and she doesn't want to get picked.
"Okay," she says, returning the hug. Then I head to the place where fifteen-year-olds are supposed to sit. It is soon time for the reaping to start.
"Welcome welcome!" exclaims our escort, Aqua Emberlock. "Now, I'd love to get started, but first we have a special film from the Capitol!" I watch as screens light up above us and the film starts.
"War. Terrible war. Widows, orphans, a motherless child. This was the uprising that rocked our land. Thirteen districts rebelled against the country that fed them, loved them and protected them." I think on this for a while. The Capitol has never been kind to us. They make us do the Hunger Games every year. That does not sound like love. I am so busy thinking about the Capitol that by the time I'm paying attention again, Aqua is already pulling a slip of paper out of the girls' ball.
"Coral Windworth." A thirteen-year-old girl stands and walks to the platform that serves as the stage. No one volunteers.
"Now for our male tribute!" exclaims Aqua. She goes to the boys' ball and is back a moment later with the slip of paper.
"Finn Oceansea!" I stand and start walking to the stage, not believing what I just heard. How could I have been picked? As I ascend the steps to the stage, I realize that I'm afraid. I wasn't srepared for this. Now I will have to participate in the Hunger Games, unless someone volunteers. But no one does.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this year's tributes!" Aqua announces. I suddenly realize that I am shaking. I can't help it. I'm scared, and a little sad too, because I ow have to leave Pearl behind in District 4, and I may never come back to her. I don't know what my family will do without me. I try not to think about it, but that is almost impossible. My mother and Pearl will be all bx themselves. And they might be for a long time.

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