District 10 Reaping

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District 10 Reaping
Blanche Eversand
I find myself feeling very nervous for the reaping. This is my last year, and my name is going in many, many times. I [q~.]have to sign up for tesserae because our family is poor. I took teeserae for my mother, father, and my sister Heather. Each year, we get a meager supply of grain and oil. It also means that my name will be put in more times. I know that I have a very high chance of being picked because of how many times my name is in the reaping. I nervously get up and get ready. I eat no breakfast before the reaping; I don't feel very hungry. My parents, Heather and I all walk to the square. Heather is ten, so she's too young for the reaping. But knowing that I might die and leave my sister and parents behind makes me feel more nervous. I hug my parents and my sister and hurry off to check in. I go to the eighteen year olds pen and sit next to a girl whose name I do not know. I'm too nervous to talk to anyone. I don't have time anyway, because our escort, Montana Dawnwood, is stepping onstage.

"Welcome welcome to the reaping for the second annual Hunger Games! I'm very excited to pick this year's sributes!" The fact that she's being cheerful about the reaping makes me feel worse. I don't want to watch the film, so I just look away. I don't want to end up feeling any worse. Finally the video ends and Montana crosses to the girls' ball to choose a name.

"Blanche Eversand!" I feel a sinking feeling in my stomach. I knew this would happen. I walk to the podium, almost tripping over my own feet.

"Any volunteous?" Montana asks. There are none. She crosses to the boys ball and takes longer to choose the boy's name.

"Fletcher Galloville!" An eighteen-year-old boy that I do not recognize comes up so the stage. As I expected, there are no volunteers for him either.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this year's tributes!" shouts Montana. I try to look happy, but it completely fails. Tears spill down my face. I know I'll look weak to the other tributes, but I can't help it. The realization of what has just happened hits me. I will be going into the arena. And I might not come out alive.

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