District 6 Reaping

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District 6 Reaping
Autumn Riverwood
"Autumn! Autumn! Are you awake?" My brother's voice startles me right out of my slumber.
"I am now," I call back to him. Our parents died in an accident about a year ago, so now my older brother Fletcher has to take care of me.
"You should get ready! We'll be leaving soon!" my brother calls. I slowly stand from my bed. I am nervous. I will have more than one entry this year. Usually, people from District 6 aren't that poor, but my brother and I had to sign up for tesserae. That means I will have a lot of entries. As I put on my best shirt and skirt, I think of my younger cousin Bryony. She is twelve now. That means she's elegible for the reaping.
"Autumn! Are you ready? It's almost time!" Fletcher calls, jolting me back to reality. I quickly brush my hair and put it in a ponytail. Then I open the door to my room and head out to the living room, where my brother is waiting.
"Good luck, sis," he says right before I hurry off to the seventeen-year-olds pen. I don't talk to anyone because I can't think of anything to say. My thoughts keep turning back to the reaping. By the time I look up again, the little film that they play every year is finished playing, and the escort for our district, Magnolia Clearwater, is already coming back to the podium with a slip of paper. The girl tribute's name. I listen as she reads it.
"Autumn Riverwood!" I can hardly believe my ears. Somehow, I knew. I knew I would get picked. I stand and slowly walk to the stage. I notice Bryony in the twelve-year-olds pen. She's crying. "I'm sorry, Brforony," I whisper, although I know she can't hear me. "I'm so sorry." But nobody volunteers for me.
"All right, now for our boy tribute!" says our escort, like it's exciting. Please, I think, Let it not be Fletcher.
"Ray Silverstone!" Oh no. It's not Fletcher. Even worse, it's Bryony's brother. And he might never come back. I feel so sorry for her. Poor girl. She's just twelve, and it's bad enough that I got picked but now her brother has also gotten picked! I feel so angry at the Capitol for this. But there's no point in defying them. That will make things worse for me, and possibly Bryony.
"This year's tributes!" I hear Magnolia Clearwater say, and just like that, the reaping is over. And I will be going into the arena with my cousin.

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